Chapter 5

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"AHHH! SOMEONE HELP!" Fiona yelled at the top of her lungs but she knew it was no use. She was in the middle of the forest all alone and now her phone was dead. She was experiencing strong contractions that were 5 minutes apart. She knew there was no stopping this baby from coming. She slowly started walking around trying to find her way out. Suddenly she felt another contraction, this one knocked the wind out of her lungs. She stumbled to the nearest tree and leaned her back against it, moaning. While carefully rubbing her bulging nine month pregnant belly, she mumbled, "Baby, come patient, wait for me to get out of the forest first," She regained her composure and continued walking. When she finally saw a trail, she felt immense pressure in her stomach. She yelled out in agony as she sunk to her knees. She lifted up her shirt, revealing her bare stomach, cupping it with her hands. She gave a light push and felt her water break. Warm fluids was gushing down her leg without stopping. Fiona felt the baby move down her birht canal at a rapid speed. She sucked in a breath before sitting on the ground and pulling off her pant and undergarments. She let out a blood-curtling scream, tucked her chin in, squeezed her belly and pushed. She pushed and pushed but the baby did not come out. Fiona fully took off her pants and stood up slowly. She covered her private parts with her hand and waddled down the trail.

A few minutes later, she felt the urge to push, however she tried to ignore it and continued walking. Finally she saw light at the end of the trail. Suddenly, she felt her opening start to burn. "Ohhhh Ahhhh what is happening?" Fiona saw a broken shard of glass on the floor and picked it up. She held it below her opening and saw a baby's head start to emerge. Her hands shook so much and she dropped the glass shard. A wave washed over Fiona as she fell on all fours. She beared down and pushed, a scream escaped her lips and echoed around her. She pushed snd pushed and she baby's head popped out along with a bunch more fluids. Fiona layed on her back and leaned backwards and she saw her baby's head hanging out her opening. That gave herthe strength to keep pushing, she bared down once again and pushed. Luckily the baby came out without any complications. Fiona held her newborn daughter in her arms before continuing down the trail

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