Chapter 6

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"Erica, i'm going to work, take care of yourself okay?" Sam said. Erica nodded and started walking up the stairs. When Erica reached their bedroom, she sat on the bed and turned on Love Island. She traced her finger on her belly absent-mindedly. Suddenly, the baby started to kick up a storm inside Erica. She was mostly kicking Erica's lower stomach. Erica yelled out in pain and placed her palm where the baby was kicking. The baby calmed down a little but her kicks had made her lower stomach sore. She leaned back and rubbed her stomach. Suddenly, Erica felt pressure starting to build in her stomach and the baby started kicking again. Erica pulled off the covers and tried standing up but the pain made her fall back onto the bed. "AHHH SOMEONE HELP!"Erica yelled as she slipped off the bed, cupping her stomach tightly. "Oh my goodness, baby please stop kicking, its making it hurt so much more!"Erica said and finally the baby stopped kicking. However she still felt a lot of pressure continuing to build. Erica slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. She pulled down her pants and placed a mirror under her, she saw her waters bulging out her vagina. Erica squatted on top of the mirror and pushed, a few minutes later her waters broke. She immdiately called Sam and he rushed home. By the time he reached, Erica was already having contractions every 5 minutes. "Sam, this hurts too much, I cant to this..." Sam placed both his hands on each side of her belly and gently rubbed it. "Sam I-I need to push! AH!" Sam helped Erica into a sitting position and spread her legs. Sam sat behind Erica andshe leaned onto him and pushed. "Come on Erica, you can do this!" Sam said. Erica pushed and pushed and the baby's head finally started to crown. Erica moaned and rubbed her belly, "I can't push anymore i'm too tired" Sam told Erica to stand up as that might help the baby to come out faster. Erica stood and gasped when the baby immediately lowered down her birth canal. Sam moved behind Erica and wrapped his hands around her waist to support her. She spread her legs as wide as possible and bared down again. The baby's shoulders slid out and Erica used her hand to support the baby. The baby came out after a few more pushes.

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