Chapter 9

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Ellie walked back home and and saw her fiancé, Dom kissing another girl. He look shocked to see her there. "Please El, it's not what it looks like. Let me explain!"Dom said. "WHAT'S THERE TO EXPLAIN, YOU ARE CHEATING ON ME! I AM CARRYING YOUR BABY AND YOU ARE HERE KISSING OTHER-" Ellie froze, she was getting huge pains in her stomach. Ellie screamed and lightly pushed and her waters broke. Ellie's legs gave way but Dom caught her in time. "Get out, woman, don't you see she is in labour!"Dom said to the girl. "YOU GET OUT TO, YOU DON'T GET TO SEE THE BIRTH OF OUR BABY!"Ellie shouted. "El, please, i'm sorry, i'll explain later but please you can't deliver by yourself, you know that." Ellie sighed and allowed Dom to stay. Ellie's contractions were five minutes apart. Dom ran to set up the inflatable pool and Ellie changed into  a sports bra and shorts. Dom set up the inflatable pool in the living room and asked Ellie if she wanted to get in. Ellie nodded and slowly stood up from the sofa. Dom helped her up and slowly guided her to the pool. When Dom was about to leave, Ellie grabbed his hand, "Get in, you better explain what I was just now..."Ellie said. Dom smiled apologetically before taking off his shirt getting into the pool with Ellie was sitting on his lap. "She kissed me first and I tried to pull away! El, I love you and I would never cheat on you!" Ellie nodded. She was about to answer when a contraction wrapped around her abdomen. She gripped the side of the pool and let out an ear splitting scream. Dom placed his hands on Ellie's bump and gently rubbed it. "Breathe, El just breathe." When the contraction passed, Ellie leaned back onto Dom's chest and moaned. Her contractions were getting closer and where now 3 minutes apart and lasting 40 seconds each. "I need to get out of this pool, and Dom, can you help remove my shorts?"Ellie said. Dom nodded before helping Ellie up. He slowly pulled off Ellie's shorts and helped her out the bathtub.  "Ohhhh Owwww Ohhhhhhh" Ellie closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Dom guided Ellie to the bedroom and she squatted next to the bed, clutching Dom's hand for support. Suddenly, Ellie felt a strong urge to push, she spread her legs as wide as possible and cupped her belly. "Dom, I-I need to push! He's so low!"Ellie said before groaning and pushing. The baby's head started crowning as Ellie's screams echoed in the room. She pushed out the head and the shoulders slipped out as well. Ellie moaned loudly and pulled Dom close. "Come on El, you got this, one more big push," A contraction washed over Ellie and with one last scream, she pushed out the baby completely.

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