Chapter 3

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Lexi moaned and she placed her head on her yoga ball. She had the bum up in the air and with one hand on the yoga ball and one hand clutching her belly. Her fiancé Kyle was gently pressing onto her back. Lexi started her contractions at 4 am last night and they have been keeping her awake.
"Ohhhh...this hurts too much. I am going to go take a shower." Kyle wrapped his arms around Lexi's waist as she moaned softly and helped her up. Kyle walked Lexi to the master bathroom. "Do you want me to stay here with you?" Lexi shook her head as she walked slowly to the shower. When Kyle left, she let out the breath she was holding. I don't want Kyle to panic Lexi thought in her head. She suddenly felt a strong contraction causing her to let out a yelp and throw her head back in discomfort. Lexi ached her back as she stroked her belly. She turned on the shower as she let the warm jets of water slowly calm the pressure in her belly. Suddenly her abdomen contracted and she yelled out in pain before going into a squatting position. Lexi placed one hand on the wall and one hand on her stomach. She rested her head on her arm and took deep breaths.
Lexi felt pressure in her hips and her lower belly. Lexi called out Kyle's name and he came rushing in. "Are you okay? What happened," "Can you squeeze my hips, there is a lot of pressure building..."Lexi said as she slowly stood up. Kyle took off his shirt and walked into the shower with Lexi. He started to squeeze Lexi hips as she leaned on him. However, the pressure still persisted. After a while, Lexi decided to leave the shower. She turned off the water and Kyle helped her out. When she exited the shower, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, her hands shot to her belly cupping it tightly. "AHHH-"Lexi's scream was cut short as she felt fluids flow down her leg. Lexi almost passed out right then and there. "Babe, my waters just broke. Oh god this hurts!"Lexi took a deep breath as Kyle slowly led her to the bedroom. Just after taking a few steps, Lexi grabbed Kyle's hand. "I can't, this baby is coming now!" She moaned. Kyle decided to bring Lexi to the bathtub instead. He quickly filled it up and Lexi climbed. "AHHH KYLE GIVE ME YOUR HAND! I FEEL THE BABY COMING OUT" Lexi shouted. The baby gave her a strong kick before moving down her birth canal. Kyle looked down and saw the baby crowning. "Babe, the baby is crowning, PUSH!"Kyle said. Lexi tucked her chin in and pushed as hard as she could. Kyle lifted up Lexi thighs as she pushed again. With a few more pushes the babies head emerged. Lexi threw her head back as she reached for Kyle's hand. "Breathe babe just breathe." Lexi took a deep breath in and out before letting out another scream and continued pushing. Lexi slowly pushed the baby's shoulders out. She used her hands to support the baby's head as she continued to push. Soon the baby was born she held him in her arms crying tears of joy. Kyle rushed over and kissed Lexi on her forehead. Lexi's face suddenly dropped as she reached down and felt another head coming out. "AH BABE, THERES ANOTHER BABY!"Lexi yelled before pushing again. This baby came out much quicker than the other one and Lexi soon had twins in her arms. "This one is a girl!" Kyle said. "Lets name them Alyssa Heather Jones and Oliver Sam Jones..."

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