Chapter 25

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"Shit! Babe, my water broke," Cassie yelled, grabbing onto her fiancé, David's hand. David slowly helped her out of bed. Cassie had been experiencing contractions for two hours now, and it was finally the big moment. Cassie put on her shoes and exited their apartment, moaning. Her contractions were three minutes apart and lasted for a whole minute. David rushed out as well and helped her into the elevator. The elevator went down two floors before it stopped. David frantically pushed the help button but no one was on the other side. Cassie had her back pressed against the wall as she continued to moan. David went to her side and rubbed her belly, he had to break the bad news to her. "Babe, the elevator stopped," "WHAT! What do you mean it stopped? I can't deliver in h- OHHHHH," Cassie said, feeling her stomach tighten as another contraction washed through her. Her contractions were now two minutes apart and still lasted a whole minute. This was all getting too much for her and she fell into David's arms. "Easy babe, attagirl, come on breathe in out," David said, stabilizing her. He rubbed her back and belly trying to calm her down. Cassie squatted on the ground, breathing through her contractions.

An hour later and Cassie was still in labour. She was on her hands and knees, moaning. Her contractions were ninety seconds apart and lasted for seventy seconds. David had his arms wrapped around her bulging belly. "Ohhhhhhh, my hips!" Cassie said, closing her eyes. David immediately started to squeeze Cassie's hips inwards. Suddenly, Cassie cried out. "Babe! I need to push!" Cassie slowly stood up and David rushed over. Cassie clung onto David as he gently removed her sweatpants and underwear. He slowly inserted his fingers to check her dilation as Cassie threw her head back. "You are only seven centimeters, sweetheart," "I can't hold it in!" Cassie yelled. She bent her legs slightly and pushed. She felt the baby move down her birth canal and she continued pushing. Other than the baby moving down, nothing else changed. Soon, Cassie was exhausted and her legs gave way. David caught her and positioned her comfortable in his arms. Cassie rubbed her pregnant belly as the urge to push came again. "Can you check me?" David nooded and gently inserted his fingers into Cassie's opening again. "Ten centimeters, sweetheart," he said.

"AHHHHHHHH! GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!" Cassie yelled. She returned to squatting on the floor. David continued to squeeze Cassie's hips. She shouted that she was pushing. David moved across from cassie and held her hand. Cassie bared down, grunting. Her eyes widened in surprise and gasped. She reached down and touched her opening. She felt the baby's head coming out. Just then, a contraction came and Cassie started pushing. David stroked Cassie's thigh as she pushed the shoulders out. David used his hands to support the baby as he gently pulled it out.

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