Chapter 20

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Samantha was an interior designer, who is also nine months pregnant, and she works with her husband, Richard. She was discussing the layout of a millionaire's mansion when she started to get painful cramps in her stomach. She assumed it was braxton hicks contractions so she just ignored them. After a while, the cramps started to worsen, and Samantha excused herself to the bathroom. Samantha had to walk to the other side of the mansion to find the bathroom.  When a bathroom finally came in sight, Samantha realized that she had to climb up a long flight of stairs to get to it. She grabbed on to the railing and slowly walked up step by step. When she was halfway up the flight of stairs, he baby gave her a strong kick. It caused her to lose her footing and stumble backwards. She fell down the flight of stairs and even hit the side of her belly on the railing.  Samantha clutched her belly in agony and rolled to her side. She cried out for help, but it was no use. She felt something wet drip down her leg, she looked down and saw it was blood. Pressure started to build in Samantha's abdomen as she tried to stand. She gripped the railing and pulled herself up. Just then her waters broke. Samantha gasped. She tried to walk up the stairs to get to the bathroom, but she felt the urge to push, just as she reached the top of the stairs. She ignored the urge and stumbled into the bathroom, moaning. "Ohhhhhh, baby be patient, please," She felt the baby's head crowning and it was pressed against her leg. Samantha tried to pull of her tight leggings, but they refused to move. At this point, the whole head wad out and Samantha was screaming in pain. She could see a bulge in her underwear where the head was but the leggings were forcing the baby's head back into her vagina.  Samantha fumbled through the drawers to find some scissors to cut her pants. However, after searching through all the drawers, she still could not find a pair of scissors. She gripped the handle of the drawer hard as she was in incredible pain and the urge to push became irresistible. "AHHHH, SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" Samantha yelled out. She cupped her belly tightly as she fell to the ground, moaning in pain. Samantha finally gave in and bared down and pushed. Her opening burned as the head emerged but once again was pushed back by her leggings. Just then, Samantha saw a pair of scissors next to the toliet bowl.  She crawled over, still moaning loudly. She took the scissors and cut her pants open. She saw the baby's head crowning again and she rushed to pull her underwear off.  "AUGHHHHHHHHH, GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!" Samantha yelled as she bared down and pushed. The baby's head came out with a pop and one by one the shoulders slid out as well. Samantha finally delivered her baby. A few minutes later, she felt the urge to push again. She stuck two fingers into her opening and felt another head. She bared down and pushed another baby out. Samantha cut the cord and stood up. she slowly waddled back to the living room, completely naked from the waist down and holding newborn twins. The millionare called an ambulance nad Samantha was brought to the hospital.

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