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"Ah!"Maddie yelped. Asher, Maddie's fiancé, immediately scooted closer to Maddie and placed a hand on her belly. "What's wrong, is it the babies?" Asher asked worriedly. Maddie nodded, she had been feeling contractions for two hours now and they were getting closer together. "How far apart are the contractions?" "About five minutes and the last about thirty seconds," They decided to start heading to the hospital as they lived three hours away from it. Asher helped Maddie into the car and took their hospital bag.

Maddie clung onto Asher as the contractions got closer and closer together. They had only been driving for fifteen minutes but Maddie's contractions were now three minutes apartand lasting forty seconds. "AUGHHH, BABE THIS HURTS SO BAD!" Asher rubbed Maddie's thigh and asked her were the pain was. "My stomach and hips!" Asher gently lifted her shirt, moved his hand to her stomach and started rubbing it. When they reached a red light, Asher asked, "Baby, do you want to sit in my lap? I can put the car into autopilot?" Maddie immediately nodded and Asher put the car into autopilot and removed Maddie's seatbelt. Maddie stsrted climbing over but stopped halfway. "AH CONTRACTION!" Asher rubbed Maddie back and helped her into his lap. Maddie clutched her stomsch tightly as the contractions surged on. She counted to forty softly but the contraction still continued. "Oh god, babe I can't do this!" Maddie said. Her waters had not even gone and she was already in intense pain. Asher pulled her close and started squezzing her hips. Finally the contrscfion enede and Maddie moaned in reliefl

After a grueling hour of contractions, Maddie started to feel alot of pressure in her abdomen. "Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT BABE THERE IS SO MUCH PRESSURE AUGHHHHH" "It is your waters baby, just push slightly." Maddie moaned as a contraction washed through her while the pressure continued to build. She slowly climbed back into her seat and placed her feet on the dashboard, wide apart. Maddie grunted, baring down slightly. "Help me babe, my waters are not going!" Maddie whined. Asher held her hand and rubbed her back as Maddie bared down over snd over but her waters refused to go. She was shaking in pain at this point. Asher gently turned Maddie so that her back was pressed against the door and he plced her legs on each side of his shoulders. He pulled off her pants and slkwly inserted two fingers into her opening. "Baby, your waters are so close to popping, just push!" Maddie bared down again and this time her waters actually popped. Maddie moaned loudly and Asher pulled her pants up.

Thirty minutes later and Maddie felt the unresistable urge to push. She spread her legs wide and started moaning. "Babe, I gotta push, I have been holding this baby in for so long." Maddie said. Asher squeezed her thigh and nodded. Maddie felt a contraction wrap around her abdomen and she pushed slightly. The head started to crown and she felt her opening burn. "Mhmmm ohhhhh it burns!" Asher rubbed her belly gently as Maddie pushed again and the head came out halfway. Thats when Maddie felt the head press against her leg before getting pushed back into her opening. She scrambled to pull off her pants and underwsar as she pushed again and the head popped out along with a bunch of fluids dripping onto the seat. She placed her legs on the dashboard and spread them wide. "BABE THE HEAD IS OUT!" Maddie yelled as she reached down and touched the head. She pushed again and the baby came out

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