Chapter Twenty-Eight: S.O.S Part One

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"Dear Rachel,
Hey baby girl. How is it seventeen years in the future? I hope it's good. That you're good. I know it probably seems weird that I'm writing you a letter for your seventeenth birthday, instead of your eighteenth. My beautiful girl, I was seventeen when I had you, and I guess it only seems fair for me to explain.

Rae, which I hope that is the nickname I went with, no more than seven hours ago I nearly lost you at the hands of sickness. Instead a purple eyes stranger saved girl I'm so sorry. Wait- I'm getting ahead of myself. Okay start over.

Rachel, the life I led ,before you came into my world, was and is probably one that I have told you about in stories, but it is all real Rae. All of it.

I was what is called a "hunter" and I tracked down and killed monsters for a living. No not like a bounty hunter, I'm assuming you're as sarcastic as your dad...which is another story but anyways! Hunters! I am a fifth generation hunter and was raised in a life that meant we fought hard and died young... Please tell me I didn't raise you like this. That you're not a hunter..."

Her words burned my eyes. She never wanted this for me.

"But I left it all. Walking away was and is still one of the most terrifying things I have ever done in my life, and trust me when I say I have done some pretty terrifying things in my time... If you knew your grandfather you would understand. I'm sure you have questions and when you're ready, feel free to ask me! Knowledge is power baby, and I want you to know.

Now about your dad. You have his eyes. Bright and full of life and mischief. Dean Winchester is the name of your father and baby by the time you read this he may be long dead. Like my family, Dean and his brother, Sam, and Dad were hunters. Poor Sam, he didn't like it. Dean said he will change his mind eventually but I don't think so."

I smiled sadly.

"I wish I could tell you Dean was here with me but, well, he doesn't know about you . I think under different circumstances maybe I would have tried to track him down, but it is not an easy task.
I think that covers the bases for now. Now for the real purpose behind this letter.

As I said earlier, not so long ago, you were saved. Miraculously healed by a woman with violet eyes and long gold hair. Baby, she was a bitch and I should have known.

I should have known better than to let her into the apartment but you were so sick. It would be maybe two days at best before God sent Death to take you home. I couldn't let you go. Not without a fight and she said she could help you. Like a fairy godmother, but Rae she was no fairy or godmother. I should have known better...She was an angel. An actual angel, and she stole everything from you. Cursing your veins with the foulness of her fallen blood."

"If I haven't told you this yet then that means we have done good. She was supposed to come for you last year. So "Haha Bitch! " (Sorry, lack of sleep plus seeing that happen has fried my brain for today.)

Anyways, I think you deserve to know who I am before I was your mom. ( I don't care if that makes sense to you or not, I understood what I was saying). Have a wonderful birthday baby girl.

Love you Angel ( Hey I kind of like that as a nickname... A subtle reminder of my mistake - wow I need sleep)
Happy birthday Rachel.
Love Audrey aka Mom"

A melancholy smile grew on my face, which of course was followed by shining eyes. As I turned to put the letter back in the envelope I noticed another piece of folded paper tucked neatly into the crease of the yellowing envelope. Removing the folded paper, I smiled hopefully at a second letter. That, however, soon faded as I read the addressed recipient.

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