Chapter Twenty-Three: Labyrinth

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The shivering was getting worse, I wish I had my boots. As I stepped farther and farther into the dark void, my toes began to ache from the cold. Each step made it worse and the drag of my fatigue wasn't helping. No matter how hard I tried to ignore the growing aches in my feet, there was nothing but cold numbness. Time was running out and I wasn't quite sure who's clock was counting down faster, Dean's or mine.

I couldn't help but feel like I was walking in cold damp circles under the streets of this damn town. I had no idea where I was going or what to do. Better yet, I had no idea what I would do when I found Dean and the shifter. A brilliant idea came to mind just then. Looking up and down the tunnel to check if by some horrible chance someone was coming, I knelt down , closed my eyes ,and folded my arms over my chest. Like I had done a dozen times when I went to church with my friends, I began to pray. For the first time in a long time.

"Now as I sit here on my butt and freeze, I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down." Yeah, that sounds good. I peak one eye open, hoping to see one trench coat wearing angel standing before me. Boy, was I wrong. Nothing was there. No angel. No shifter. Just me looking like an idiot, praying to no one, like usual. A groan followed by a shiver escaped me.

"This is useless. Nothing is happening and I'm going to freeze to death."


"Rachel, what do you mean?" Dean asks looking at the girl before him. "Rachel, what did you do?" She didn't respond. Why wasn't she responding? A snicker came from the darkness. "What's so funny?"

"God, I can't even do this. You look so pathetic Winchester." His ears burned as her voice changed and deepened. Another laugh came from the darkness. A man's laugh. Every fiber in Dean's body tensed.

"Who are you and where is Rachel?" Dean's voice went cold.

"Really, you can't tell Winchester?" Dean thought for a split second. The shifter.

"Where is my daughter?" The question was more of a demand. Rachel wasn't there and nothing was going to stop Dean from getting to her.

"Funny, she asked the same thing about you and that boy. Hmm, she has feelings for him, you might want to get the shotgun out for that one." The shifter hissed contently.

"I'm not going to ask again. " Dean stated.

"I had this whole speech planned out and you would have ate it right out of my hand. If only you weren't so pathetic. I would have loved to have seen the agony on you face when I told you that your precious little girl traded herself for you and the boy. Well, actually she thinks the boy is dead, but that's besides the point-"

"She what?" Dean's reply was airy.

"She traded. The Winchester thing to do isn't it?" A vibrating buzz came from his pocket, "Oh look, that's her buyer calling right now."


"When I find that lowly son of a bitch I'm going to kill him." I had to keep saying stupid things like this as a form of motivation. I paused as my sensitive ears picked up on the murmurings of a voice down the tunnel. Panic was the first emotion to go through me and I quickly dove for cover. The voice didn't seem to be approaching me. Peeking out from behind my hiding spot, I made sure that the coast was clear.

Standing back up I continued down the hallway, this time the voice was steady getting closer, but is was only because I was approaching it. I passed it, the voice came from behind a metal door, similar to the one I had been trapped behind. The voice was male, and it came in murmurs. In honor of the already stupid actions of the day, I pressed my ear to the metal.

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