A Quest

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When I ran into the monastery I quickly scavenged for equipment I may need on our quest. I grabbed a hookless grapple gun and different weapons, like swords and shurikens. I also grabbed a bag of survival stuff which had a map, a compass, some food, some water, a flag and a foldout bed. I then grabbed a robotic arm and two new sets of armour. Then finally I grabbed a bottle of pink spray paint and headed into the front courtyard. In the front courtyard I saw Wu waiting back faced to the door for me, Aaron, Kai and Lloyd. I then realised that I hadn't informed Aaron but that wasn't a problem because he walked out of the monastery with a big bag of stuff moments after I realised. "Oh, who told you about the mission?" I asked. "Kai ran to me in a hurry and mentioned something about the first spinjitzu master and a sword and I knew that something was up so I packed a bag of essentials." Aaron replied confidently. "Fair enough," I said, grabbing my bag which I had dropped when I left the monastery and walked over to Wu. "Hey Wu, can you explain the mission a little more?" I asked as I donned the bag on my back. "Oh yes, of course. You must find the blade of power which is hidden within one of my father's tombs around Ninjago." Wu said wisely. "Which one?" I asked. "Oh I can't tell you that, only because I don't know. You'd have fun finding it though wouldn't you? It would give you, Aaron, Kai and Lloyd some time to bond." Wu said in an almost mentor-like way. "I wish you both luck on your journey, Lloyd and Kai will protect you through the most terrible and evil things that you may face, have fun and get to know each other. Perhaps you'd get along," Wu said with a smile. "Okay Sensei, we will return as soon as possible," I said confidently. "Don't forget about Lloyd and Kai," he said as both Aaron and I began to walk out of the gates. "Oh yes!" I yelled as I realised. I then turned around and walked back to Wu and both Aaron and I waited for Kai and Lloyd.

As we waited, Jay walked out of the monastery with a sandwich and was muttering words in his stuffed voice. "Oh hi!" He said in a voice that was hard to understand. I waved to him awkwardly and he just began pacing around the monastery walls. "Is he okay?" I asked Wu as I watched Jay with a watchful eye. "Losing Nya has been tough... for all of us, but him especially." Wu said, also watching Jay. He then stopped and turned around before he began pacing again. Once he had finished his sandwich he stopped and walked back into the monastery. "He'll probably start talking to sea water and grow a long beard soon," Wu said sarcastically. After those words, Lloyd and Kai walked out of the monastery with filled bags. "You ready?" Lloyd asked. Both Aaron and I then nodded before we headed to the gate. "Before you go Ninja!" Wu said, which made all four of us turn to him. "You must be back within a week, or your friend's lives will drain." Wu added wisely. We all nodded before we opened the gates and walked down the mountain, ready for the long journey ahead of us.

We started walking down the mountain slowly, trying not to trip. "So, what did you and Wu talk about then Lloyd?" Kai asked. "I don't know what you mean," Lloyd said nervously. "Well, you and Wu were chatting as we got ready weren't you?" Kai asked. "Yeah, about where the sword potentially might be," Lloyd said. "And where are we supposed to go to find it?" Aaron asked. "He didn't exactly tell me, he said that it was one of the tombs of his father." Lloyd said. "This is a test, it must be," Kai said. "Why else would you send us on a journey to find a sword?" Kai added. "What kind of test do you think it is?" I asked. "One that will test our bravery, trust, honesty, vigilance, friendship and power," Lloyd said wisely. "You know, you're onto something here, perhaps you're the next Sensei." I said, which made everyone chuckle as we grew closer to the bottom of the mountain. The closer we got to the bottom the darker and rainier the sky became. "Garmadon still has control over the city huh?" Kai asked. "Looks like it, but if we are going to defeat him, we are going to need Kirb, Viral and Evan." Aaron said. Both Lloyd and I nodded but Kai stopped moving as though he was trying to think of whom those names belonged to. He then snapped back and chased after us as we had just gotten to the bottom of the mountain and we began our course to the city.

Back at the monastery, Wu was in the underground base with Zane. The two of them were trying to make a new exoskeleton for Pixel's hard drive. But their efforts weren't so great. "We will never be able to make a new exoskeleton for Pixel at this rate," Zane moaned. "Patience Zane, we may not be as quick as Pixel at this sort of thing, but we can do it." Wu said reassuringly. "Should we ask for assistance from Cole and Jay?" Zane asked as he tried to screw two pipes into one another. "No! They're preparing to scout out the city, their mission is to find out Garmadon's plans," Wu snapped. "Oh yes, sorry Sensei. But what happened with the others?" Zane asked curiously. "Well, I sent Benjamin, Lloyd, Aaron and Kai off to find the blade of power from one of my father's tombs and Kirb, Evan and Viral are unconscious due to absorption of part of their powers," Wu said. "Oh, I wasn't expecting that..." Zane said as he then put an arm with sharp wires into a workbench. "Now, how would Pixel make herself?" Wu asked as he looked at old metal and some tools. "Perhaps I should ask her," Zane said. "Ask her?" Wu asked, confused. "I'll upload her hard drive into my system and then I'll be able to talk to her like before," Zane said. "Good idea," Wu said. "Thanks," Zane said as he slipped Pixel's hard drive into his neck and became completely still as it uploaded. "Pixel?" Zane asked as soon as he was able to move again. "Yes?" Pixel said, in Zane's head. "Would you like to help us create a new exoskeleton for you?" Zane asked. "Of course I would," Pixel said. "Okay, let's make Pixel a new exoskeleton!" Zane said gleefully, and at those words they began to create a new exoskeleton for Pixel...

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