Purple Lightning

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The Destiny's Bounty stopped about a minute after I hopped off of it, and moments after Evan and I charged into the battle. Once stopping, everyone on the Destiny's Bounty hopped onto the anchor as it lowered down to the street below. The sound of the anchor caused some of the soldiers to be attracted to the sound like some mindless zombies. They began to run towards it, giving Evan and I a perfect opportunity to defeat a couple of them.

Up at the top of the building Garmadon and Zane were fighting on, Lloyd and Kai were assisting Zane as he evaded Garmadon's attacks and every now and then got a hit in for himself. "This is getting too repetitive," Garmadon said as he stopped in his place. In one quick movement his head jumped up to look towards the huge black clouds above him. Suddenly, purple lightning began to strike around the city, causing small fires and striking any sort of lightning it could find, including Viral, Kirb, Evan and Jay as they fought. Once the lightning hit each and every one of them, they were knocked unconscious. "What just happened?" Kai asked as he turned to look down at the street below the building where most of the battle so far had taken place. "Kirb, Evan, Viral and Jay are unconscious due to the purple lightning, what do we do?" Lloyd asked. "I don't know, let's just hope the others can get up here to help," Zane said.

Back down on the streets, Cole defeated Hans and quickly flew up towards the others. Taking my best and probably only shot, I opened a portal in front of me and once entered, dropped me straight onto Cole's back. I luckily managed to grab onto the bottom of his leg just before I fell and he flew us both up to the building.

"Cole! Ben!" Lloyd and Kai yelled as we landed on the top of the building. "It's been a while," I said sarcastically. "This is not the time for sarcasm, Garmadon is still shooting purple lightning," Zane said. "What do we do?" Cole asked. I quickly turned around and looked down to the street. Below us, the prisoners, our friends and Skylar and Neuro were fighting hundreds of destruction soldiers who just weren't going to stop being created. Only giving myself a second to come up with a solution, I turned back to Garmadon and quickly began to run towards him. I put my arms out in front of me as I got close to him and I dived into him. Pushing him over and stopping the lighting. I then got to my feet and desperately stumbled backwards as Garmadon also got to his feet. "You have some guts kid," Garmadon said. "Shame they can't save you from this," Garmadon added, as a huge lightning bolt shot towards me. I quickly turned to look at the lightning bolt and in what seemed to be a moment, I vanished. "BEN!" Zane, Kai, Lloyd and Cole yelled as dust filled the area where I vanished. "It's a shame that he couldn't survive my attack, I thought he'd be the one who would save you all," Garmadon said. "He will be, because he's not gone!" Lloyd yelled angrily. "But his face mask and armor are there," Garmadon said as he pointed to them. "Lloyd, I think he's gone," Kai said. "No, he's not!" Lloyd said angrily as he formed fists out of his hands and his eyes began to glow purple. Then his fists turned into balls of purple energy. Lloyd then ran towards Garmadon and pulled his fist back to punch him. Garmadon immediately grabbed Lloyd's fist, and in one swift move, caused Lloyd to get tripped and fall onto the floor below him. "Lloyd!" Kai yelled as he looked at Garmadon in fear. "We have to reunite with the others!" Cole yelled as he jumped onto the edge of the building and got ready to fly down to the street. Zane and Kai quickly hopped onto the edge as well and also got ready to fly down with Cole. The three of them flew down to the street and landed in a horde of the destruction soldiers. They quickly got rid of a good hundred of them and once they did, immediately ran to reunite with the others.

"Cole, Zane, Kai, where are Lloyd and Ben?" Wu asked. Cole, Zane and Kai looked at each other and then back at Wu. "Garmadon defeated both of them," Zane said. "Is Nya back?" Kai asked urgently. "Yes, but she, Skylar, Ronin, Flintlocke and Aaron are fighting a bunch of destruction soldiers as we speak," Wu said. "I'll go help, you guys get Jay, Kirb, Evan and Viral," Kai said, just before he flew into the air to find Nya, Skylar, Ronin, Flintlocke and Aaron. Cole and Zane turned and flew into the air to find Jay, Kirb, Evan and Viral. Wu watched as his students separated to save Ninjago once again.

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