My Half-Sister

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I continued to run inside of the mech for a good while longer before I came to a stop. I looked around me to see if I was alone. Suddenly, a beam of light shot towards me and the mech exploded. The arms and legs of the mech flew off of the mech and were catapulted a few miles. The torso part of the mech stayed in one piece but, with me still inside, it flew backwards and hit a small mountain a few miles back. Without any warning, another beam of light shot at the mech and I quickly exited it just as the beam hit the torso of the mech. The torso then exploded into hundreds of pieces. But luckily I had gotten out of the way before the mech exploded. I quickly grabbed two pieces of the mech and held them like gauntlets. Just then, another beam flew towards me, but before it hit me, I opened a portal which the beam entered. I then closed the portal before I started to run towards where the beam had come from. I managed to get about 25 miles away from the source of the beam quickly and I was shocked to see that the beam had come from someone I knew very well. It came from... my half-sister...

Back at the monastery, the others were panicking and trying to find ways to locate me. "Where did you lose him?" Wu asked. "I don't know, he opened us a portal to get away." Kai said. "Are you sure you can't save them, Wu?" Aaron asked. "I'm absolutely sure... but there is one other person who may be able to help," Wu said. "And who's that?" Kai asked. "Garmadon..." Wu said. "Why would he wanna help us?" Lloyd asked. "He won't, so that's why we need to find a way to make him help us," Wu said. "Where is he?" Aaron asked. "We know..." Kai said. "But we won't all be able to go," Kai added. "Sensei, Kai and I will both go and find Garmadon, you guys stay here and wait for us." Lloyd said. "What if you find Ben on the way?" Cole asked. "That would be convenient," Lloyd said just before he walked out of the monastery to get into Kai's jet. "We hopefully won't be too long," Kai said as he left the monastery. "Good luck," Cole said to Wu just before he left. They then got into Kai's jet and it began to hover. Only moments later they shot up into the air and started a course to the blacksmith shop.

As they flew to the blacksmith shop, I slowly began to walk closer to my half-sister. But with each step I took, the ground began to shake and she began to light up. When I realised this, I stopped and didn't take another step. "Zoey?" I asked. A simple nod came in response, before a seemingly accidental warm beam of light. I quickly dived out of the way of the beam and rolled a few feet to the side. I then jumped up to my feet and dropped the pieces of metal and replaced them with a shield in one of my hands. "I don't want to hurt you," I said as I put the shield in front of me like a riot shield and I walked towards her slowly. Suddenly another warm beam of light shot at me, but the shield seemed to do its job and only caused me to slowly slide backwards for a few moments. "I said, I don't want to hurt you," I said as I made a sword in my other hand and held it towards Zoey. "Stop!" She yelled as she stopped glowing and went back to her original form which was an 18 year old girl. I quickly made the sword and shield disappear but stayed a few steps away from her. She quickly threw her arms out in a v and waited for me to hug her. I hesitated for a moment, but in the end I hugged her. We hugged for a few seconds before we both let go and began to talk. "I thought you were gone," I said. "Well, I'm still here... I would explain how, but I don't actually know how," she said. Just then, we watched Kai's jet slowly fly above us. He then landed it about 50 feet away from us. I quickly grabbed the pieces of metal from where I left them and ran to the jet. Zoey hesitantly walked behind me.

Kai, Lloyd and Wu quickly exited the jet and walked towards me. "What were you thinking?" Wu asked. "That maybe, if I was to go back and make sure that Garmadon had no way out, perhaps Ninjago would be safe." I said. "Okay, well we need to get back to the monastery," Lloyd said. "Why?" I asked. "Because Wu isn't able to use the blade," Kai said. "How long do we have left?" I asked, just as Zoey got behind me. "Who's this?" Kai asked. "My sister... we're going off topic though so can I get an answer?" I asked. "4 hours," Wu said. "So should we just go back to the monastery?" I asked. "Seems like a decent idea," Lloyd said. "Yes, but remember our mission," Wu said. "What mission?" I asked. "We didn't actually come to find you, we came to find..." Kai said, but was quickly interrupted by me. "Garmadon..." I said. "Yep," Lloyd said. "But now that you have me, you won't need Garmadon," I said. "No, but he's my brother and leaving him in such a power filled place isn't a great idea." Wu said. "Let's just go save Kirb, Evan and Viral before we even consider releasing Garmadon." Lloyd said. We all nodded and then boarded the jet. "Wait, where's the back of the jet?" Kai asked as he got into the pilot's seat. "Why don't I click the button and you can find out," I said as I clicked the button at the back of the middle section of the jet. Suddenly hundreds of shards of metal began to fly to the back of the jet until it had formed the back of it. "Are those gonna fall apart?" Zoey asked as she hopped into a seat beside Lloyd in the middle of the jet. "I hope not," Kai said. I quickly grabbed the Blade of Power, which conveniently was placed on the floor and I sat down beside Wu. "Are we ready?" Kai asked as he slowly pulled a lever which sat next to him, back. "We sure are," I said, just as the jet shot into the sky and began to fly back to the monastery.

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