The Village

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As soon as we entered the village, an odd feeling struck me. One I felt like I had felt before but was unable to remember where or even if I had truly felt it before. I shrugged the feeling off though and prepared myself because I assumed the people of the village would be as violent as Trent if they were to be confronted. We walked for a while to look around the village until we found someone. The someone we found was named Helena and she, like Trent, was an elemental master of air, we knew this because she was showing off her powers to some small kids and their parents. We quickly walked over to her when she had finished her act and we started to talk to her. "Hello," Cole said to Helena. "Oh hi," Helena said as she started to prepare her next show. "Hi I'm Cole, I saw your act and I thought it was cool, are you by chance related to the guy who lives in that house over there?" Cole asked as he pointed towards Trent's house. "Yeah, he's my uncle, his name is Trent. Have you met him?" Helena asked. "Yeah, we met him," Cole said. "We?" Helene asked. "Me and my friends," Cole said as he pointed to Lloyd, Kai, Aaron and I. "Oh you're those ninja guys aren't you? I've never seen you two before but you two Lloyd and Kai, I'm familiar with," Helena said as she walked closer to us to presumably see if we were real. "They are just as much heroes as we are," Kai said. "So what are you guys here for?" Helena asked. "Well, it's a long story," Cole said. "I'll listen if you tell me," Helena said. Cole's face went purple at those words and he was stuck debating whether or not he should tell her. "We're looking for something," I quickly said to stop Cole from a mind explosion. "Looking for something huh? What are you looking for?" Helena asked. "Have you heard of... The Blade of Power?" Lloyd asked with a small pause between of and The. "My uncle said he went looking for it once, he said he's lucky to still be in one piece," Helena said. "Why exactly are you looking for it? And what makes you think you will be able to obtain it?" Helena asked. "You have good questions, what did you say your name was?" Kai asked. "I didn't, but because I feel I can trust you, my name is Helena," Helena said. "Oh, pretty name," Lloyd said. "You two don't talk much do you?" Helena asked as she pointed to Aaron and I. "Pinky never stops talking, I suppose Aaron is a little shy," Kai said mockingly. "I'm not shy, I'm just curious about the whole idea of a village on a mountain," Aaron said. "Interesting, and what caused you to be so curious?" Helena asked. "Why do the only two people we've met have the elemental abilities of air?" Aaron asked. "I suppose you're just lucky," Helena said. "So do you wanna help us?" Cole asked. "How do you know you can trust me?" Helena asked. "We don't," I said. "Pinky talks, does he?" Helena asked. "We shouldn't have any reason to trust you unless you show us that we can." I said. "Well then, let me show you," Helena said. "How exactly do you plan to show us?" Kai asked. "I'll come with you, we'll hike up the mountain and when you guys get to your destination or if bad things happen, I'll help you." Helena said. "How does that sound?" Helena added quickly. "Should we trust her?" Aaron asked. "I don't sense any sort of danger currently but if I do we'll have to abandon her," I said. "Speak for yourself, Cole seems to like her," Kai said as he pointed to Cole who was asking her lots of questions. "Well, I don't think we have another choice, we need as much help as we can get and if we can get assistance from her then we'll take it," Lloyd said. "If she betrays us we will have to abandon her," I said seriously. "Yeah, let's tell her the good news," Kai said. "So have you come to a conclusion?" Helena asked. "We have agreed to semi-trust you until either betray us or prove to us that you can be fully trusted," Lloyd said. "Okay, we'll then let's head off into the unknown..." Helena said just as she spread her arm out to say "You first". "I hope we can trust her," Aaron said fearfully. "We'll just have to see won't we," Kai said as we began to walk to the exit of the village.

Back in Ninjago, Jay, Pixel and Zane had given Fugi-Dove to the police officers at the police station. "How did you find him?" The Commissioner asked. "We went to the one place we knew someone could have seen him," Jay said. "And where's that?" The Commissioner asked. "The docks," Pixel said. "Interesting, what made you look there?" The Commissioner asked. "Have you ever been there? It's as quiet as a room with a sleeping baby," Jay said happily. "Perhaps we'll look there from now on shall we?" The Commissioner asked with a smile which was tucked under his long grey moustache. "Let's go guys, I think we should go and see if Ninja and Wu are okay," Jay said as he put his arms around Zane and Pixel and walked with them out of the police station. "Those ninjas, they are life savers," The Commissioner said with another smile as he began to paint an already painted wooden boat...

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