The Cloud Kingdom

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We woke up in the clouds. As soon as we all got up we were greeted by a suspicious but seemingly nice person. "Hello travellers," the person said as we all got up. "This is the Cloud Kingdom?" I asked. "Just a small part of it," the person said. "Who are you?" Lloyd asked. "Oh yes, I'm Blue," the person said. "As in the color?" Aaron asked. "I've had the name blue since before the color was named, I'm hundreds of years old, as are most of us here," Blue said. "What exactly are you? Immortal?" Cole asked. "Not quite, we can and will pass away and leave our children to continue what we started one day, but we are as you call... I suppose we are prophecy makers or writers if you will," Blue said. "Oh yeah, I remember that! When we last came, remember Kai?" Cole asked. Kai nodded in response. "Would you like a tour?" Blue asked. "That would be great," Helena said. "Well okay, follow me and we'll have a look around the Kingdom," Blue said as he guided us forward.

Moments later we found ourselves in the Kingdom, it had many white and gold structures and had an incredible amount of bridges. We walked along these bridges as Blue guided us through our tour. "This here is the prophecy building," Blue said as he gazed towards a building we were approaching. "I see why it's called the Cloud Kingdom, this place is quite far up," I said to Lloyd who was walking beside me. Lloyd nodded as we got to the entrance of the huge prophecy building. "What exactly is the purpose of this room?" Aaron asked. "Well of course, the purpose of it is to write prophecies and of course the future." Blue said. "We also write most of what happens in Ninjago, I suppose you're all just characters on one of our scrolls." Blue added as we entered the building. "Wow, that's a shocking revelation," I said.

Just as we entered, we saw hundreds of people just standing and writing on scrolls. "Each of these people are assigned a person," Blue said. "Wait, so do you move onto someone else when one person passes away?" I asked. "No no, usually the writer of their life, either passes along with them or decides to retire." Blue said. "Why haven't you been assigned a person?" Cole asked. "Oh I have, but that person made himself his own prophecy, he now writes his own future," Blue said. "Who is it?" Aaron asked. "Your friend back there, Benjamin," Blue said. "How long has it been since you wrote about his future?" Kai asked. "Since he came back to life and obtained his true potential." Blue said. "Then does that mean our futures are still being written?" Lloyd asked. "Only those who passed on and returned to life are able to write their own futures," Blue said. "So Zane?" Cole asked. "He's a nindroid of course, his future was never in our hands," Blue said. "Okay, we're off topic now, we really need to get on with what we are here for," I said as I remembered the scroll. "Oh yes, you are in need of... a scroll I believe?" Blue asked. "Yep," I replied. "Well then, let us find that scroll, is your plan to split up?" Blue asked. We all looked at each other after hearing him ask this. "Kai, you and Aaron have one part of the Kingdom, Ben, you, Cole and Helena go search some other part of the Kingdom while Blue and I search this building," Lloyd said. "Okay..." everyone said with a nod as we all split up.

Cole, Helena and I quickly exited the building and started to walk down one of the bridges. "Snowy and cloudy with buildings in the skies, I play up where no bird flies?" I said as I thought about where the scroll could be. "What's that?" Helena asked. "The clue," Cole responded. "Snowy and cloudy?" I asked myself aloud. "Is there a building that's really tall and seems to be surrounded by snow?" I asked. Cole and Helena stopped walking just then and began to spin around slowly to scan the area. "I don't see one," Cole said. "Neither do I," Helena said. "Well then, let's just walk around and see if we can find one then shall we?" I asked as I began to walk forward to find somewhere I didn't even know really existed.

Lloyd and Blue stayed in the building and began to look for some sort of special scroll in a building completely filled with scrolls. Needless to say, it was a hard task which took them quite a while as the building had many scrolls. They stumbled into a library at some point and saw hundreds upon hundreds of scrolls. Lloyd quickly scanned through the scrolls until he saw a suspiciously placed one. He quickly grabbed it and unravelled it to see what it said. On the scroll it read simply, "not the right one". Lloyd then dropped the scroll in anger and almost tried to stamp on it, but just as his foot was about to drop onto the scroll, he heard something behind him. He turned around and looked suspiciously at the door. Suddenly in one clean and quick move, he felt a sword being placed onto his neck. "Get off of me!" He yelled as he struggled to try and move the sword from his neck. "No," a familiar voice said as the person pulled the sword back further. "Who are you?" Lloyd asked. "You already know," the person said just as Lloyd's hands became a thick glowing shade of green. Suddenly the sword was thrown to the door and somehow landed onto the doorknobs in a way that caused the door to be locked from the inside. "Blue?" Lloyd asked as he turned around and clenched his neck. "Yes Lloyd, surprised?" Blue asked. "Not really, I kind of expected you to be evil, you just seemed far too nice," Lloyd said, just as he began to use spinjitzu to knock Blue unconscious. But just as Lloyd's tornado of green energy was about to attack Blue, chains fell onto Lloyd's arms and caused his spinjitzu to stop. When he stopped he was standing right in front of Blue with an angry expression on his face. "It was nice meeting you Lloyd, now let me quickly get my sword and I'll go and betray the rest of your friends, sound okay?" Blue asked. "No!" Lloyd yelled as he struggled to free his hands from the chains. "Stop resisting, remember we write the future, which means we write your every move," Blue said. "Just stop trying to fight us," Blue added as he pulled his sword out of the door and slipped it into a quiver on his back. He then put a black hood over his head and walked out of the door. "Goodbye!" Blue yelled, just as he slammed the doors shut and locked them...

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