Plan Y

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We quickly walked towards Cyrus Borg to ask him for help. "Lloyd, Pixel, so nice of you to visit... who are your friends?" Cyrus asked moments after he heard the elevator open and us walk in. "Have you made any more nindroids?" Lloyd asked. "I'm afraid only my security nindroids are in production, but why do you ask?" Cyrus asked. "Have you heard that Garmadon is back?" I asked. "Yes, but to my understanding, you ninja are on the case, am I right?" Cyrus asked. "I'm afraid he's a little stronger than we anticipated," Pixel said. "So you came to me to ask for help because you are outnumbered?" Cyrus asked. "Very outnumbered, Ronin and Clouse had to separate from our group to go and fight the destruction soldiers," Skylar said. Suddenly a loud beeping red alarm blasted through the building. "It seems we have a break in," Cyrus said as he pulled a video of the surveillance footage up on one of his big screens. On the screen Dean's gang, with the exception of Ronin and Dean, entered Borg Tower. "It seems like Dean got some help," I said. "Yeah sure it looks like it," Lloyd said. "What's the plan?" Skylar asked Lloyd. "I don't know, let me quickly think of something," Lloyd said as the pressure started to get to him. "Hey, Lloyd, it's okay, I've got this," I said as I patted him on the back. "Okay, what's your plan?" Lloyd asked. "Skylar, Pixel, Mr Borg, you guys defend the building, Neuro, Lloyd and I will head back up to the helipad and see if Neuro can get into Garmadon's head," I said. "Why do you think I can get in his head?" Neuro asked. "Because I have faith in you, and to be honest, if you can't get into his head we have to resort to plan Z," I said. "Z?" Skylar asked. "I came up with 26 plans and 24 of them won't work in this situation, so only two are left, plan Y and plan Z, plan Y is this plan and plan Z is to evacuate the city," I said. "It's a little late for that, don't you think?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah... okay, let's just execute this plan, Skylar, Pixel, get down to the bottom floor, Mr Borg, send as many of your defence nindroids down to the bottom floor as possible, if they manage to get passed you three, then Lloyd will have to come and help, but if you guys can defend long enough for Neuro to get in Garmadon's brain, we may have a chance to catch him off guard," I said. Skylar and Pixel then ran to the elevator and entered it. They then clicked on the button with the number 1 written on it. The elevator doors closed and the elevator started to fall down slowly. Just as the doors were about to close, I used my telekinetic powers to stop the doors from closing at the last second. "Guys... I can't hold it for long..." I said as I started to lose my grip on it. Neuro and Lloyd ran to the elevator doors and began to push them as I held them open. After a second or two, I stopped holding Lloyd's door and helped Neuro get his door to the other side. I then quickly helped Lloyd get to the other side, and seconds later the elevator shaft was open. "You wouldn't happen to know how to jump up an elevator shaft would you?" I asked Neuro. "Do you want me to give you the short answer or the long answer?" Neuro asked. "Lloyd, we're gonna have to think of a different way up," I said. "Can you open a portal?" Lloyd asked. "It's too close, it wouldn't stay open for long enough," I said. "How about you use your telekinesis?" Neuro asked. "I won't be able to hold you for that long," I said. "Okay, well, I'll get to the top and then you use your telekinesis to levitate Neuro as far up as possible and then I'll try and grab him at the top," Lloyd said. "It's worth a try I guess," I said. Lloyd then jumped into the elevator shaft and began to wall jump to the top. Once at the top he shot a ball of green energy down to me and Neuro to indicate that he was ready. Once I saw the ball of green energy I told Neuro to jump into the elevator shaft. He did just that and just before he fell, I grabbed him with my telekinesis. I then began to levitate him to the top of the elevator shaft. After a couple of minutes I hesitantly stopped using the telekinesis because I was almost about to drop him. Just to my luck, Lloyd managed to grab him just before he fell and he helped Neuro up to the helipad. I then jumped into the elevator shaft and began to wall jump to the top.

After another minute or two I got to the top and pulled myself onto the helipad. "How was the door open?" Neuro asked. "Luck I suppose," I said. "Or perhaps it was help from us," Ronin said as he and Clouse walked towards us from just next to the side wall of the elevator shaft. "Thank you," Lloyd said. "Yeah, don't worry about it," Ronin said. "What's your plan?" Clouse asked. "Wait, how are you back? And how are you not a ghost anymore?" Lloyd asked. "It's a long story, I'd rather not get into it here," Clouse said. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea, we need to get this done now, or we won't be able to get it done, if Garmadon can get to us or to Mr Borg, we'd be in trouble," I said. "What's the plan?" Ronin asked. "You and Clouse take the elevator to the bottom floor, Neuro will attempt to get in Garmadon's head, if he can, we'll find out where he's keeping the Blade of Power," I said. Neuro then put his index fingers to his temples and closed his eyes to get into Garmadon's mind. Just as he did Ronin and Clouse clicked the button on the elevator shaft which caused the elevator to start coming up. Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck raised and I turned to where the elevator shaft was, just as I did, Dean's henchmen began to laugh at the bottom of the elevator shaft. I quickly ran towards Ronin and Clouse to push them out of the way, but I was too late, the elevator flew up to the top of the building faster than Griffin Turner could run. On impact with the top of the elevator shaft, a huge explosion happened and Ronin and Clouse were sent flying off of the building, while I was thrown backwards into Lloyd and Lloyd tripped backwards onto Neuro when I flew into him. When Neuro's hands were removed from his temples he stopped using his element and his connection to Garmadon was lost. "What now?" Lloyd asked as he got to his feet, just before Neuro and I got to our feet as well. "I have no idea..." I said as I looked towards the building Garmadon was on, as I realised, that we weren't going to be able to get the Blade of Power back, unless we had a distraction...

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