The Hole of Destruction

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Wu, Zane and the other Zane ran through the city quickly. They were determined to get to the monastery to save Cole and Jay. They ran at great speed through the streets, desperately barging through crowds of people. Suddenly just as they were about to leave the city they were stopped by Garmadon. "Hello brother, so nice of you to join us," Garmadon said. "Us?" Wu asked with a confused tone of voice. "Yes, me and the other Zane," Garmadon said just as the other Zane became purple eyed. "Oh come on!" Wu yelled. The other Zane then lept on Zane and a hole in the ground opened causing a small bit of the road to implode into itself. The other Zane then tried to push Zane into the hole, but Zane used spinjitzu to get himself out of the situation and make the other Zane fall into the hole causing immediate destruction. "That was intense," Zane said sarcastically. "That's just a little bit of your problem," Garmadon said with a frown on his face. Just as he finished speaking a snake jumped out of the hole and quickly slivered towards Zane. Zane quickly kicked the snake and it flew backwards toward the hole but unfortunately didn't fall into it. Suddenly the snake split into three different snakes and all three of the snakes rushed towards Zane. Just as they were about to bite Zane's titanium exoskeleton, three fire bolts flew to the snakes and they incinerated on the spot. Zane quickly looked towards where the fire had come from and he saw Kai and Lloyd running towards Wu and him. "Ninja!" Wu yelled happily. Kai and Lloyd then started to fight Garmadon but he made allies from thin air which fought Kai and Lloyd and attempted to chuck them in the hole. Eventually Kai, Lloyd, Zane and Wu were being pushed into the hole. It seemed as though they were going to fall and presumably pass away from falling in the hole.

Just as the ninja and Wu were being pushed into the hole, Aaron and I ran out of the museum. In front of us we saw someone who seemed familiar to me but I wasn't immediately sure who it was. Suddenly I remembered who it was, it was my... it was my dad... He had the elemental power of magic like me and was able to conjure most things from his hands. As soon as I realised who was standing in front of me he began to run at me and he started to fight me. He made a sword in his hand and swung it at Aaron and I. I quickly pushed Aaron out of the way and made a sword in my hand to block my father's attack. "Do you have the same element as I do? You always were your father's son!" He said as he made a sword in his other hand and tried to stab me with it. I quickly made a shield in my other hand and blocked that attack as well. I quickly ran backwards to get away from his next attack which was aimed at my head. I bashed his swords with my shield just as they were  about to collide with my head. I then jumped up, kicked back, whipped around and spun. I was immediately put into spinjitzu and I knocked my dad a few meters. Beneath my dad a purple hole opened. I quickly ran to him to try to catch him before he fell. I grabbed his hand just as he came a few inches from being swallowed by the hole. I tried to pull him up but under me a similar hole opened. The ground underneath me started to crumble, until eventually my foot slipped and before I knew it I had let go of my dad and he fell into the hole he was in. As soon as he had fallen into the hole, the hole underneath me disappeared and the ground built back beneath me. "NO!" I yelled as I smacked the ground in anger. "Let's go," Aaron said slowly as he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to my feet. We both then ran into the city, hoping to find Wu, Zane and the others.

We quickly found ourselves behind a building near Garmadon and the others. We watched helplessly as the others were struggling to get out of the grasp of some of Garmadon's destruction soldiers. Before we had a chance to help Kai lifted into the air again and set fire to every single one of Garmadon's destruction soldiers. As soon as the soldiers turned into flames they vanished and were gone. Kai landed back on the streets just after and helped the others to their feets. Aaron and I quickly ran over to them but we were blocked by about a dozen new soldiers which Garmadon created out of thin air. "Aaron... Do you think you can get rid of these people?" I asked. Aaron quickly closed his eyes and gripped his fists. He then opened his eyes and punched each of the soldiers straight in the face. Each of them crumbled into rocks as soon as Aaron's fists made contact with them. "What just happened?" I asked. "I don't know," Aaron said. "Let's just go help the others!" I yelled as I ran past Aaron and grabbed his wrist.

Seconds later we were standing next to the others as they confronted Garmadon. "Nice try dad, good luck next time." Lloyd said. "Ben, open a portal to the first realm," Lloyd said. "I don't know if I can do that," I said. "You will be able to, trust me," Wu said. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, put my palm in front of me and slowly gripped it into a fist. Suddenly a sort of blue portal opened under Garmadon. He then fell into the portal and it closed. "Let's see him find a way out of there," Kai said. "Where did you send him anyway?" Kai asked. "I don't know..." I said. "I guess we'll just have to find out," Wu said. "Let's go get the others and get ourselves the blade of power!" Zane said enthusiastically. We then began walking to the monastery. Little did we know Garmadon did not go to the first realm, in fact he went to a place far different? One that would make him more powerful in the long run...

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