Saving Electricity

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Kai quickly found Nya, Skylar, Ronin, Flintlocke and Aaron and he quickly flew down to assist them. "Guys!" Kai yelled as he landed. "Kai!" Skylar and Nya yelled back. "A little help here?" Ronin asked as destruction soldiers surrounded him and Flintlocke. "Right, yeah," Kai said as he used spinjitzu to save the two. "Thanks, for a second I thought this would be our last fight," Ronin said. "That's okay, let's just do our best to clear this part of the city," Kai said. "But, they aren't going to stop coming in," Skylar said. "Well then, we have to defeat them as much as possible so that they can't get to Garmadon's building," Kai said. "Why can't they get to Garmadon's building?" Nya asked. "I have a feeling that they may become a bigger problem if they get to Garmadon," Kai said. "Well then, let's hold them off long enough for the others to do something," Ronin said. "Come on then guys, let's save Ninjago!" Skylar said.

Cole and Zane quickly found Jay and landed nearby. "Jay!" Both Cole and Zane yelled as they landed. Jay didn't respond and they got worried. "Jay?" Cole asked. "Yeah?" Jay asked as he began to wake up. "Are you okay?" Zane asked. "Yeah, but where are the others?" Jay asked. "Everything has gone downhill since the purple lightning struck," Cole said. "We should go and find Kirb, Evan and Viral," Zane suggested. "Yeah, let's go," Cole said as he lent a hand to Jay to help him up. Jay grabbed hold of Cole's hand and Cole pulled him to his feet. "So where did Kirb, Evan and Viral get struck?" Cole asked. "I'm not sure, I'll scan the area," Zane said. Just as he did, another bolt of purple lightning struck, but this time it was just to an electricity station. "Garmadon's managed to get his lightning into the clouds again, we should hurry so that Evan, Kirb and Viral don't get struck again," Cole said. "Zane, do you know where they are yet?" Jay asked. "Kirb is down by Kai, Nya, Skylar, Flintlocke, Ronin and Aaron, Evan is down near Wu, Neuro, Zoey, Helena and Clouse and Viral is near Fugi-Dove, Hex and Ninja," Zane said. "Okay, Jay, you go and see if Wu, Neuro, Zoey, Helena and Clouse are okay, and Zane and I will go and see if Fugi-Dove, Hex and Ninja are okay, and also make sure you wake Evan up while your there, and we'll tell Kai to wake Kirb up," Cole said. "Okay, good plan, let's do it," Zane said as he and Cole flew into the air to find Fugi-Dove, Hex and Ninja. Jay on the other hand, decided not to use his power, because Wu, Neuro, Zoey, Helena and Clouse were quite close to him and because he didn't want to get struck by Garmadon's lightning again.

Jay arrived shortly after and immediately ran to find Evan, not even saying hi to Wu, Neuro, Zoey, Helena and Clouse on his way. "Evan!" Cole yelled as he slid towards a still unconscious Evan. "Master Wu, is he okay?" Jay asked. "Yes, it shouldn't be long before he wakes up, have the others found Kirb and Viral?" Wu asked. "Cole and Zane are currently looking for Viral and I think Kai is supposed to wake up Kirb," Jay said as he jumped back up to his feet. "Well, once everyone is awake, we should reunite to devise a new plan," Wu said. "Yeah, let me tell the others," Jay said as he pulled his mask over his head and placed his hand to his ear. "Cole, Zane, Kai, Lloyd? Do you copy?" Jay asked. "Yes, Zane and I have just found Fugi-Dove, Hex and Ninja, and we are about to wake up Viral, have you woken Evan?" Cole asked. "No, but he's safe, Kai, have you found Kirb?" Jay asked. "Yes, we've just woken him up and he's just getting ready to continue fighting," Kai said. "Come to us, we're by the old noodle house," Jay said. "Okay, we'll be there shortly," Kai said. "Cole, Zane, have you woken up Viral?" Jay asked. "No, Zane is currently attempting to," Cole said. "Come to us when he's awake, and by the way? Where's Ben?" Jay asked. "We'll explain when we get to you," Cole said as he turned his coms off. "So, are they on the way?" Wu asked. "Kai, Skylar, Nya, Flintlocke, Ronin, Aaron and Kirb are on the way, but Cole, Zane, Ninja, Hex and Fugi-Dove are still waking up Viral," Jay said. "Okay, where are Lloyd and Ben?" Wu asked. "I don't know about Ben, but Lloyd is up with Garmadon, I don't know if he's alive, dead, or unconscious yet, but we'll see when Cole, Zane and the others return," Jay said. Just then, Kai, Skylar, Nya, Ronin, Kirb, Aaron and Flintlocke ran towards Jay, Wu, Zoey, Neuro, Helena and Clouse. "Jay!" Nya yelled as she ran towards him, immediately being pulled into a hug as she arrived. The sweet moment ended shortly due to some terrible news which Kai gave the group...

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