Up In Flames

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Skylar, Ronin, Pixel, Clouse and Neuro snuck into an alley near Borg Tower to take cover as some destruction soldiers marched by. "This is intense," Pixel said. "Yeah, but I'm sure we will get to Borg Tower, at least two or three of us will," Ronin said. "Two or three?" Skylar asked. "Yeah, you, Pixel and Neuro... I don't think me and Clouse will make it," Ronin said. "Why don't you have faith in me?" Clouse asked. "Because you will get so self absorbed that you will stop and fight off the destruction soldiers," Ronin responded. "And why don't you have faith in yourself?" Pixel asked. "Cyrus Borg won't want to see me, not since I got that bounty on him from my anonymous ally," Ronin said. "Okay, let's not bluff, let's just go," Neuro said. They all then exited the alley and began to sneak behind the destruction soldiers to get to Borg Tower which was being spotted.

Back at the monastery, Lloyd was starting to wake up as I saw a small winged person fly past us and towards the city. I didn't manage to look at them for long enough to see who it was so I wasn't able to identify them, but I knew it had to be someone who was on Garmadon's side. Lloyd then stretched as he began to get up to his feet. "Lloyd?" I asked him. "Yeah Ben?" Lloyd asked. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Kind of, why? Is Garmadon still at large?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah, and I don't know where everyone else is, but we should probably head back to the city to help," I said. "Yeah, just give me a second and I'll be ready," Lloyd said. I nodded and he walked towards the entrance of the monastery. Just as he was about to get to the entrance, it burst into flames. Lloyd quickly stumbled backwards as it all began to crumble in on itself. "Lloyd!" I yelled as a flaming plank flew towards him. I quickly ran towards him, creating a shield in my hand and sliding under him. I quickly jumped to my feet and put the shield in mine and Lloyd's faces. The flaming plank bounced off of the shield and Lloyd and I walked backwards as it did. "Should we go back to Ninjago City now?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah, we need to tell the others about the monastery and we need to defeat your father," I said. "Okay then, open us a portal to Borg Tower so we can scan the area for signs of the others," Lloyd said. I nodded and then I opened a portal under us which immediately dropped us onto the Borg Tower helipad. "Okay, let's see if we can find the others," Lloyd said as he walked to the edge.

Back at the bottom of Borg Tower, Ronin, Neuro, Skylar, Pixel and Clouse took out destruction soldiers one by one to avoid making too much noise. After a short while, they got into Borg Tower and managed to slip in through one of the revolving doors. Once in, they immediately ran to the closest elevator and clicked the button repeatedly. The elevator began to drop slowly and because the elevator just so happened to have been the one Aaron, Zane, other Zane and I used to get to the second scroll, it was weak and almost broken, so it made a lot of noise coming down. Because of this noise, the destruction soldiers were alerted to them, and so were Lloyd and I who were just a couple hundred floors above them. "What's that?" Lloyd asked. "I don't know, should we investigate?" I asked. "If it's some of the others we might gain from having a quick look, but if it's enemies, well," Lloyd said. "Let's just investigate," I said as I ran to the elevator doors on the other side of the helipad. I quickly slipped my fingers into the doors and opened them as quickly as possible. "Come on then," I said to Lloyd as I waved my hand to gesture to him to come towards me. He did just that and we both looked down the elevator shaft. "Who first?" Lloyd asked. "That's up to you," I said. "Okay, follow my lead," Lloyd said. Lloyd then jumped down the elevator shaft and grabbed onto one of the walls, he then slid down it until he landed on the elevator. I did the exact same and landed on the elevator as well moments later. "Okay, this thing is moving, and fast..." Lloyd said as we both rocked left and right from the commotion of the elevator falling. "We just have to let it fall, and once it's at the bottom we can hop into it using the trap door," I said as I pointed to a trap door on the top of the elevator.

Back at the bottom, Ronin and Clouse separated from the others to keep the destruction soldiers from getting into the building. "He was right..." Skylar said. "Yeah, why is this elevator taking so long?" Neuro asked. "I'm not sure," Pixel responded as she looked up to it. She was lucky enough to look at it just as it went past a glass pane, revealing Lloyd and I to be on top of it. "Oh my," Pixel said. "What?" Skylar asked. "Benjamin and Lloyd are on top of the elevator," Pixel said. "Are they?" Neuro asked. "Who are they again?" Neuro said almost immediately after he asked his previous question. "Benjamin is the master of magic and Lloyd is the green ninja," Pixel responded. They then stepped back as the elevator slowly fell into position. The elevator doors then pulled open and the three entered. Lloyd and I then opened the trap door and we slipped into the elevator behind the others. "What floor is Cyrus usually on Lloyd?" Pixel asked. "Your guess is as good as mine Pix," Lloyd said. "Try the 187th floor," I suggested. Pixel then clicked it and the elevator began to rise. It wasn't long before we got to the 187th floor, and once we did, the elevator doors creaked open to reveal Cyrus Borg working on something. We all exited the elevator and prepared ourselves to ask Cyrus Borg if he had nindroids to help us in our war to defeat Garmadon...

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