The New Problem

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We were still in the jet the following hour and we were still trying to find a plan to help us get to the mountain as quickly as we could. "Kai switch our chairs!" I yelled with a voice that suggested I had a plan. Kai nodded again and switched the places of the seats we were sitting in so that I was in the pilot's seat area while he was in the passenger's seat area. I looked at the controls of the jet and scratched my head. I knew it would be hard to figure them out but I did it anyway and I started to click every button I saw. I clicked about 15 buttons before Kai yelled at me to stop because it had released the back part of the jet. "SWITCH OUR SEATS SO THAT AARON AND COLE DON'T FALL!" Kai yelled. But I was unaware of how to switch our seats so I jumped out of my chair and walked to the chair Kai was sitting in. When Kai saw this he sighed and got out of his chair, just as the jet began to fly upwards. Kai's feet began to slip as he tried to climb to his chair. Suddenly he fell and almost fell out of the jet, but I managed to grab his hand after unbolting my seatbelt. I knew this was a dangerous idea but I did it anyway because I knew Kai would have been doomed if I hadn't. I grabbed the top of my chair and the jet began to drop to its normal way of flying which was just straight forwards. Kai then managed to get his feet again and ran to his chair. He then clicked a button which was like a magnet for the back of his jet because it flew back to the jet and quickly attached itself to the back. We all sighed once it had and got ready for what was soon to come as we were only an hour and a half away from The Wailing Alps.

Back in the city, Zane, Pixel and Jay were running around trying to find a criminal to catch for the police. They ran up and down buildings and around streets and stuff before they arrived at the police station. The reason they didn't go there first was because they hoped to catch one before the police even knew about them but when they realised they weren't able to, they went to ask the police about some of the criminals around the city. "Commissioner!" Jay yelled as he, Pixel and Zane entered the police station. "Yes?" The Commissioner asked. "Do you have any criminals you need to stop?" Zane asked. "Wu said you need to make yourself a new problem again?" The Commissioner asked. "Yes, but do you have any criminals you need to stop?" Zane repeated. "Yes actually, Fugi-Dove..." The Commissioner said. "Where was he last seen?" Pixel asked. "Down by the comic shop, the owner told me he bought a ninja comic from him but doesn't know where he would be now," The Commissioner said. "Well I guess we'll have to look around," Jay said. Pixel and Zane agreed and all three of them left the police station, not saying another word to The Commissioner.

They quickly ran to the comic shop and went in to ask the comic shop owner a few questions. "Hey you!" Jay yelled to the guy who owned the comic shop. "Me?" He asked. "Yes you!" Pixel yelled in response. "Did I do something?" He asked. "You may have sold a comic to a Fugi-Dove? True or False?" Zane asked. "I saw him, he came in grabbing the latest issue of your comic and bought it for a generous price," The owner said. "What price?" Jay asked. "Surprisingly he gave me $25 for the comic, I mean it was a comic that was brand new and that everyone wanted, but it would still have gone for $10  anyway." The owner said. "Can we see the money?" Zane asked. "Yes of course!" The owner said as he pulled the money from his register. "Stolen, but still good, don't worry about that," Pixel said. "Thanks, but why would he, of all people? steal money?" The owner asked. "Maybe he's working for a bigger villain? A worse guy?" Pixel asked. "Maybe, but who?" Zane asked. "Detective mode again?" Pixel asked. "Sure, let's do it, and let's get Jay a hat and a jacket." Zane said. "So where are we off to next?" Jay asked. "The mall," Zane replied. The three then exited the store and ran to the mall.

Back at the monastery, Wu and Ninja were training. They were testing Ninja's elemental power, the power to control electricity and metal. He created metal plates out of his hands which he threw like boomerangs at Wu. Wu deflected each and every one of these metal plates back at him. "You're a good fighter, you lack one thing though," Wu said. "What's that?" Ninja asked. "You lack patience, you know that patience is what you need in training don't you?" Wu asked. "You jump straight to the point and always throw things at your enemy," Wu said. "So I have to be stealthy? Wait for my enemy to be weak to attack?" Ninja asked. "No, you wait for your enemy to attack you before you attack them, in which case it's self-defence." Wu said. "Okay, well do you wanna continue training?" Ninja asked. "No, let us check up on your friends," Wu said. "Okay," Ninja said as they both walked into the monastery to check up on Kirb, Viral and Evan.

As soon as they walked in they saw them and they saw that they were starting to pale. "Those ninja need to return quickly, this is a sure sign that they are soon to be gone," Wu said with a concerned look on his face. He wasn't the only one with a concerned look though as Ninja had one as well, an arguably more concerned face. "I'm sure they will be back soon..." Ninja said. Little did he know, we wouldn't be, we would take much longer than we should have...

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