Into The Fight

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We quickly rushed to find the others being as quick, and as slow as we could be. At this time, hundreds or maybe thousands of Garmadon's destruction soldiers were roaming the Ninjago City streets nearby. "What do we do?" Kirb asked as we slipped into an alley just next to where the soldiers were marching. "We have to get on top of this building, are you guys able to do that?" Nya asked. "Maybe," I said as I looked up to a huge building that stood up for hundreds of feet. "Nya, you go first, we'll follow," Evan said. Nya shrugged and quickly began to climb up the closest wall of the building that she wished to scale. "How is she doing that?" Kirb asked. "I don't know, but let's just wall hop quickly until we get close enough to the top for me to open a portal for us," I said. After I said that, I quickly jumped onto the building that Nya was scaling and then I hopped to the building just behind me, causing me to go up slightly and basically wall hop. I continued this until I got on top of the building just next to the one Nya was still scaling. Evan and Kirb followed after me until they got to the top of the same building as me. "I'll open us a portal," I said as I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise, indicating that something bad was about to happen. I quickly spun around and saw another icicle flying towards me. I immediately opened a portal in front of me which the icicle flew into. "Where did it just go?" Kirb asked. I shrugged in response to his question, just before I opened a portal which once we entered it, took us to the top of the building where Nya was still scaling. Once we were at the top, Evan leant over the edge towards the side Nya was climbing up. Evan quickly lent Nya a hand as she got in arm's distance, and helped her to the top of the building. "You guys got up quickly," Nya said. "He can open portals," Kirb said. "Why didn't you say something?!" Nya asked angrily. "I'll tell you next time shall I?" I asked as I leant over the edge of the building to see the street below me. Just to my luck, I saw Jay and Cole fighting Trent and Hans, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Viral, Skylar, Ninja, Aaron and Neuro running into the battlefield to help Jay and Cole. "Guys! There they are!" I yelled as I pointed towards them. Kirb, Evan and Nya quickly ran to my side to see over the edge. "Should we go and help?" Nya asked. I quickly looked down at them and then up towards the building that Garmadon and Zane were fighting on and then back towards the others as I tried to make a decision. "Kirb, Evan, you two come with me, Nya you go and help them," I said, just as Lloyd and Kai zoomed past our building and towards where Zane and Garmadon were fighting. "Nevermind," I said. "So what do we do?" Nya asked. "Nya, Evan, you two go and help the others, me and Kirb will go and see if Pixel, Helena, Zoey and Wu are on their way back with some more assistance," I said. Nya and Evan immediately jumped off of the building and towards the battlefield, but me and Kirb turned around to the opposite direction to which they jumped from, and we began to run to the edge. As we were about to dive off the building, I opened a portal which took us immediately to Borg Tower's helipad.

"How far do you think they are?" Kirb asked as he looked over the edge. "I have no idea... wait... this is the place where we discovered Garmadon's return, do you remember?" I asked Kirb. "Yeah, it was only a week ago," Kirb said as he began to remember our return. "If Garmadon can do all of this in just a week, what do you think he could do if he had more time?" I asked. "We'll stop him before we find out, trust me, today, we'll defeat Garmadon..." Kirb said reassuringly. Just then, the Destiny's Bounty flew into Ninjago and towards the battlefield. "If we're quick you can open us a portal onto the Bounty right?" Kirb asked. "Yeah," I said as I prepared to dive off of the helipad. "Why have you always got to leap off of the buildings?" Kirb asked. "It makes it cooler," I said with a smile, just before I sprinted off of the helipad and dived down towards the street below. Kirb immediately leant over the edge until he began to fall, and quickly got into a skydiving pose. A big portal opened just as I got to the bottom half of Borg Tower, and both me and Kirb fell into it. The portal immediately dropped us onto the Bounty as it flew towards where the others were fighting the destruction soldiers.

"Ben?" Helena and Zoey asked at the same time as Kirb and I got to our feet. "Hi," I said. Zoey immediately ran towards me and hugged me quickly. "I'm okay," I said. "Did you find Nya?" Helena asked as Zoey let go of me. "Yeah, did you get us some allies?" I asked. "Yep, Ronin, Clouse, Fugi-Dove, Hex and Flintlocke," Helena said. "Didn't Jay, Zane and Pixel just capture Fugi-Dove like yesterday?" Kirb asked. "Yeah, but the more the merrier I suppose," Zoey said. "Kirb! Ben!" Wu yelled as he walked towards us. "Wu! Is Pixel flying the ship?" I asked. "Yes, but did you find Nya?" Wu asked. "Yep," Kirb replied. "Is she on the battlefield?" Wu asked. "Yeah, shouldn't we be on the battlefield actually?" I asked. "Yes, we are just getting ready to find a good place to park," Wu said. "There's not much time," I said as I walked to the edge of the Bounty, contemplating jumping off of the Bounty into the battlefield. "What are you doing?" Ronin asked me as he walked onto the deck. "This," I said as I stepped onto the railing, before pushing myself up for a boost and then diving off of the ship to the street below. As I was about to land, I opened a portal which immediately dropped me onto Evan.

"Sorry Evan," I said as I rolled off of him and got to my feet. He quickly jumped back up to his feet and we both looked at each other and then at hundreds of Garmadon's destruction soldiers as they slowly walked towards us. "Ready?" I asked Evan. He quickly nodded and I ripped my sleeves off of my suit and wrapped my pink sleeve around my mouth to make a sort of half ninja mask. We then charged towards the soldiers as we committed to a new goal. To save Ninjago...

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