Reclaiming the Blade of Power

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As Cole was doing that, Lloyd, Kirb, Aaron, Kai and I were climbing up Garmadon's building. Thanks to one of Kirb's abilities and my magic, we were all able to climb up the side of the building. Eventually, we got close to the top, and just as we did, we passed by a huge glass window, and through the window, we saw Blue guarding something shiny. "Do you think that's it?" Kirb asked. "Yeah," I said as I looked through the glass. "What's the plan?" Lloyd asked. "Kai will melt a circle in the glass so that Lloyd and I can quickly go and reclaim the Blade of Power," I said. "Okay, what about us?" Aaron asked. "You three will go to the top of the building and sneak passed Garmadon, you will then wait for Lloyd and I to get to the top of the building, and once we're all on top, we'll defeat Garmadon and destroy the Blade," I said, just as Kai made one of his fingers into fire and melted a circle in the glass, one big enough for Lloyd and I to travel through to get into the building. Once the glass was unstable, Kai, Aaron and Kirb quickly continued to climb to the top of the building. Lloyd and I on the other hand stayed where we were, and kicked the unstable circle of glass. It then fell into the building and a nice circle presented itself for Lloyd and I to climb through. We quickly climbed through the circle and quickly snuck towards Blue. To our luck, he wasn't facing our way as we snuck behind him, so we managed to knock him unconscious. Once he was unconscious, we quickly turned towards the Blade of Power, and just to our luck again, it was sitting on a small desk next to us. I quickly grabbed the Blade and once I did, Lloyd and I quickly snuck back to where we entered.

Once there we climbed out of the building and prepared to climb to the top of the building. Just as we did, Dean grabbed my leg and began to pull me back into the building. "Lloyd!" I yelled as I struggled to kick Dean away from me. Lloyd quickly looked down and saw me struggling to push Dean off of me. As soon as he saw this, he quickly climbed down to me to help me. "Take the Blade," I said to Lloyd. "But I can't touch it!" Lloyd said. "Yes you can, trust me!" I said as I lifted the Blade towards him. Lloyd then hesitantly grabbed the Blade, as soon as he touched it his element ran through his veins and powered him up. But then, it all stopped and nothing happened after that. It seemed as though Lloyd was worthy of holding the Blade. Because of this, I was distracted enough for Dean to pull me back into the building. "Go!" I yelled to Lloyd as I slipped into the building due to Dean pulling me back in. Once in, I jumped to my feet and began to dodge all the attacks Dean attempted to throw at me. After a while I got bored of jumping around and froze Dean with the small bit of Zane's ice that I absorbed previously. I then exited the building once again through the circle and I climbed to the top of the building to catch up with Lloyd and the others who were already at the top.

Once I got to the top, I saw the ninjas slowly sneaking behind Garmadon. I then pulled myself onto the top of the building, and slowly snuck behind Garmadon. As I reunited with the others, a huge explosion happened in the ocean down by the docks. Garmadon quickly got distracted by this and a few huge rock spikes grew from the ocean floor to protect Ninjago from a huge wave that was crashing into the rock spikes. "What is that?" Garmadon asked himself. Suddenly, I asked Lloyd for the Blade so I could attack Garmadon. Lloyd handed me the Blade and as soon as it was in my hand, I ran towards Garmadon and raised the Blade over my head. I then jumped towards Garmadon and was just about to strike Garmadon as his hand turned into a purple flame and I stopped where I was as he held me in the air. He then turned towards me and put on a huge grin which he kept as he saw the others standing behind me. I then dropped the Blade and Garmadon picked it up. He then placed the tip of it onto my chest and I watched as a faint orange aura surrounded it as my power was sucked into it. "Stop!" I said as I tried to move, but to no avail. "You know, it was brave of you to come and try to defeat me, but I'm afraid, there is no chance for you to defeat me now," Garmadon said as he walked to the edge of the building and held the Blade over the edge on top of the street below. "Don't you dare," I said as I tried to move again. "Did you know, without your powers, your eyes are normal again, just like Lloyd's," Garmadon said with a bigger grin than before, just before he dropped the Blade over the edge. Once it fell out of sight, Garmadon walked back towards me and dropped me out of his grasp. "Good try Ninja, you five better be quick, that Blade won't fall for too long," Garmadon said as he turned back towards the ocean. Just then, Kirb ran to the edge and immediately lent over it. He then put his hand out in front of him to where the Blade was falling. The Blade then slowed down until coming to a complete stop and beginning to fly upwards towards Kirb's hand. As it did, I realised that if it touched Kirb's hand, it would probably incinerate him. So, not having any other choice, I jumped over the edge and grabbed the Blade as I fell. Kirb then stopped using his powers as I did it, and I began to freefall to the street below. Using the Blade, I immediately used my power, which was still in the Blade, to open a portal, which once I fell in, dropped me back on top of Garmadon's building. Once I landed I got to my feet, looked at Garmadon and placed the tip of the Blade to my chest as my power returned to me. My eyes then began to glow orange again and once my power was restored, I threw the Blade aside and cracked my knuckles as the final battle between Garmadon and us truly began...

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