Chapter 1: Can We Talk?

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Valerie's, book contains only 9 chapters. It was always meant to be a very short story. Violet's story will be longer. And yes I know I said I wasn't posting this here, but eh, I haven't exactly been active on Wattpad like I used to when it came to publishing stories. So here is a little gift for those who are still reading and supporting my work. Thank you and happy reading.


I stared at the pregnancy test I have in my hands, positive. I can't say, how did this happen, we were careful. We weren't, we never used protection that night.

I went to the doctor to confirm if I really am pregnant. After getting my blood I waited, I didn't want to leave, until I got my answer. After a long wait, the doctor returned and confirmed it.

"A month pregnant?"

"Congratulations." She smiled.

I left the clinic and went to my house. I made a run inside and locked the door. I didn't need for anyone to ask me what was wrong. This is what happens, when you're neighbours with your brother and best friends.

"How do I tell him, that I'm carrying his baby?" I cried. "He doesn't love me, he has a wife and a son."

"How about, talking to him?" I turned to see, Savannah and Grace.

"Ugh, remind me again. Why I gave you keys to my house?"

"Because that's what besties do in case of emergency." Grace said.

"And you were acting suspicious." Savannah added.

"The one night I decided to forget about everything with him, it results in me getting pregnant."

"It was a happy accident. Yay, welcome to the mom club." Grace and Savannah hugged me.

I chuckled as tears fell down my cheeks. "You two are idiots, but I love you guys."

"Everything will be okay. This is Matt we're talking about." Grace said as she wiped my tears.

"And if you see him, tell him that his son, broke my flower vase." Savannah said which cause me to laugh.

"I will," I smiled. "Is it bad that I want his wife to cheat on him and he catches her in the act?"

"Yes/no." Savannah and Grace said at the same time.

"Stop changing the subject, you need to talk to him." Savannah told me.

"Maybe I should wait for the baby to be an adult and he or she can tell Matt, about their existence." They gave me a weird look. "Fine, I'll go tomorrow to his office."

"Great, now let's go have lunch. Savannah made pasta." Grace said as she dragged me away.

"Next time, you invite us." Savannah yelled as she followed us.

I laughed, I can always count on them to cheer me up.


I entered the floor where he works, and asked his secretary if he was busy.

"He's available."

I thanked her and made my way to his office. I knocked on his door and told me to enter.

"Val, what are you doing here?"

I took a seat in front of him and blurted it out. It was driving me crazy.

"I'm pregnant."

His jaw dropped and enter in a state of shock.

"And you're the father by the way." I added.

Five minutes of pure silence. I threw a pencil at his face. "We-"

"Don't go there, we never used protection. And before you go further, no I didn't get pregnant to trap you."

"That wasn't on my mind." He rolled his eyes. "I was the one who wanted to spend the night with you. I just didn't think it would result in you getting pregnant."

"Well, no protection and now I know you have strong swimmers, it was bound to happen." I said.

"I'll be there for our baby, but I can't promise you anything romantic. I care about my wife, and yes I was an ass for cheating on her, but last month we were somehow fighting all the time, but things have calmed down." He said as his eyes never looked mine.

"Right, you're staying with her because of your son. You care about her. But you don't love her." I was trying so hard not to cry, but it was useless, the tears escaped.

"Val, you're crossing the line!"

"You know what Matt, screw you, we don't need you!"

I attempted to leave but he stopped me and put his hand on each side of my face and lowered his face to mine.

"But I do need you." He said in his sexy raspy voice.

"Then why-"

He pulled me to him and kissed me, like we used to before everything got complicated. My hormones betrayed me and our kiss got intense.

"What is this, Matt?" I gestured between us. "You don't want to be with me, but you say you need me."

He pecked my lips. "It's complicated, please give me time."

"How much? What if I find someone new? What-"

He picked me up and placed me on his desk and then his lips trailed down to my neck. "You're mine, Val." He started to unbutton my shirt. "Only mine," his face was now in the middle of my breast.

I moaned. "This isn't fair."

He brought his face up and kissed me. "Please, give me time."

"If i hadn't showed up or hadn't been pregnant, would we still be having this conversation?"

"Yes, we would've. I've been finding ways to how I should reach you." He caressed my face.

"Matt, I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"When I said that what we had was meaningless sex and that I didn't care about you." I replied as I got off the desk and fixed my blouse.

He just hugged me. "I'm sorry that we can't be together now."

"I know." I sighed. "And Matt, your son owes, Savannah a new flower vase."


I laughed. I honestly don't know what's going to happen between us, but I know that Matt, is the only man I'll ever love. I tried to move on, but I couldn't. Matt is the one for me.

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