chapter 30

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flash back 


I was going to pick up Jason so we could go racing since I got a new car .

I knocked on his door, but no one answered.

he did say that his parents were out for a date night, so it was only him.

I knocked again, still nothing.

since I was late I thought he has already went to the track.

I went into his backyard and climbed into the tree into his window.

I found no one on the second floor or in the bathroom so I made my way down stairs into the living room, but still no one.

I went into the kitchen where I found a blooded Jason laying on the floor with a foaming mouth.

"shit" I called 911 while trying to stop the blood.

the ambulance came and took his body with them, they said that there was a pulse.

I went with them and we arrived 7 minutes later.

I waited 3 hours, his parents came as the hospital called them.

I jumped from my seat as soon as the doctor came out of the room.

"time of death 9:03 pm I'm sorry for your loss" with that he left.

I saw his mother break down while his father held her close.

I didn't say a word to any of them I just ran as fast as possible, I don't  know how much I ran that day.

the only thing on my mind was 'If only I'd gotten there sooner  

end of flash back.



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