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Tzuyu groaned, feeling hot and nauseous. She felt all her clothes sticking on her and sweats were dripping from her body to the sheets. She reached for her phone and looked at the time.

"4.32am" She sighed and looked at the window. It was still dark and they still got about few hours more before the managers came to wake them up. Her throat felt dry so she got out of the bed and grabbed some water.

Slowly, she swallowed the water but her throat still felt dry. Again, she filled the glass with water and chugged it down her throat only to feel even thirsty. Soon, she gave up and laid on the bed again. Then she checked the temperature of the AC. It was already cold since Jihyo set it before she went to sleep but the cold temperature still couldn't help with Tzuyu's sweating. Tzuyu set the temperature even lower hoping that would cool down her body after fixing Jihyo's blanket so the other girl won't wake up freezing cold.

Before she could close her eyes and relaxed her body again, she felt a sharp pain on the right of her lower stomach.  She hissed in pain and immediately walked to her suitcase to find her painkiller she brought with her. After finding it, she walked difficulty with one hand on her stomach as if it would help with the pain. She filled the glass with water and swallowed with the painkillers. The pain was unbearable. She laid down on the bed again and in a few seconds, her eyes were heavy again and she fell asleep.

Tzuyu woke up again when the sun shoot its light straight onto her eyes. She sat up on the bed and held her aching abdomen. She didn't think much, maybe it was menstrual symptoms since she was nearing her period so she just pushed the thought away. She heard the sounds of the shower turning off and realised that Jihyo had woke up earlier than her.

Soon the older walked out with a towel wrapped around her body and another one on her hair. "Oh, Tzu, you've woke up! I was just about to wake you up. Good morning, baby.." Jihyo said brightly. She grabbed some clothes in her bag and began dressing herself, not really bothered that Tzuyu was probably checking her out.

"I reckon you should go and get ready, manager unnie is going to check up on us soon." Tzuyu just sighed. All she wanted to do right now was curled up in her bed. But she had to do soundcheck and practice for the concert tonight. So she nodded and got out of the bed, took her towel and went inside the toilet to get ready.

The managers brought them for a late breakfast at a famous restaurant around Houston. The other members had a whale of time eating the delicacies they've ordered. Tzuyu on the other hand was just playing with her food and not eating it, she had two tall glass of juice down her throat but she didn't feel like eating. And her throat still felt dry. And Nayeon noticed this weird behaviour of Tzuyu since she was sitting beside her.

"Tzuyu-ah, are you okay?" Nayeon whispered. Tzuyu nodded and smiled weakly to the girl. Nayeon wasn't convinced, so she asked the girl again but Tzuyu replied with the same answer again and Nayeon finally accepted the answer after the third time she asked the girl.

Nayeon wasn't the only one who noticed Tzuyu's weird behaviour. Jeongyeon and Dahyun does too. They looked at eachother with a worried expression and looked back to Tzuyu who was drinking her third glass of juice while her food still looked the same like how it was presented to.

"Tzu, are you not gonna eat your food?" Momo asked, though her question took a little time for Tzuyu to process since she was asking with her mouth full. "Momo, I've told you not to talk with your mouth full!" Jeongyeon scolded. "Sorry, eomma" Momo apologised sarcastically. "Yah! shut up." Momo grinned and stuck her tongue out. "Make me!"

"Shut it!" Tzuyu snapped off. She slammed the table making everyone looked at her. "One, No, I'm not eating my food. Two, we're in a public so will you guys stop fighting?!" She looked at the two members and sat back down when she felt her head become heavy and the pain on her stomach came again.

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