Midnight Snacks (M)

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Tzuyu sighed out, hands on the side of her hips as she wandered around the kitchen, trying to find some food to eat.
"they've finished all the chips too!" She grunted.

It was quarter to one in the morning and the others were fast asleep, safe and sound. Except Tzuyu, who was studying for her test. She was furious, stressed out and almost gave up after her friend had told her about the topics that's in the test.
Then there she was, with her pens, highlighters, books and her laptop scattered on the dinner table, while she searched for something she could snack on while studying.

But nothing was in the cupboard, nor the fridge. She looked in the pantry but there was nothing either. "After this goddamn test, I'll make sure I'll buy every snacks that exists on this fucking planet." She said, slamming the cupboard door close.

Then she sat back on her chair, massaging her temple with her hand. She groaned and wore her glasses back, diving in the pile of books again.

The dorm's door opened, creating a creaking sound as Jihyo entered. The older woman was covered in a thin layer of sweats, her sporty clothes were enough for Tzuyu to guess that she just got back from the gym.

When Jihyo finally noticed Tzuyu, she gave a surprise look, questioning the younger woman why was she still awake at that hour.

"I was just studying.. have you eaten, unnie?" Tzuyu asked, her eyes lingered around the woman in front of her, looking up and down at the girl.

Jihyo nodded, a little smile on her lips as she put her things on the remaining space of the dinner table.

"great, because we don't have anything to eat, they've finished all the snacks too." Tzuyu complained making Jihyo giggled slightly. "You want some snacks? I bought it on my way home." Jihyo reached for a chocolate bar in her jacket. She handed it to Tzuyu who rejected it.

"It's fine..I don't need it anymore." Tzuyu said.

Jihyo took off her jacket, revealing only a thin white t-shirt that was drenched with her sweats making her sports bra inside the shirt visible to Tzuyu's eyes. If it was someone else, Jihyo would definitely haven't done her act, but she thought, it was Tzuyu, her friend. What could go so wrong with it?

Actually, there were so many things that could go wrong.

Tzuyu wasn't in her good state, obviously worn out by her sleepless night because of studying made her stressed out. And she needed some releases.

Her eyes wandered up and down on the older's body. Her sweaty abs were visible, and the shorts revealing the older's tan thighs were making her miserable. Her gaze changed, full of lust and desire for the older.

Jihyo did notice how the younger was looking at her. And she didn't mind it, she's proud of her body. She didn't mind if Tzuyu was fantasizing about her body, not even a little bit.

She smirked, following Tzuyu's gaze that dropped right on her covered-chest. "Enjoying the view?" Tzuyu snapped out of her imagination. Totally guilty for staring.

"S-sorry.. didn't mean to.." She said, pink tint visible on her cheeks as she moved her gaze down, staring at the floor.

Jihyo grinned, she walked closer to Tzuyu and lifted the younger's face by her jaw. Her fingers trailing up to her lips.

"It's fine..I know you like it, right?" Tzuyu gulped, her stomach churning when Jihyo pushed her chest closer to her. Her breath hitched as Jihyo put her hands on top of her shoulders.

The older put her head on her shoulder, her lips brushed against her reddening ear. Then her hands moved to her waist as she whispered onto Tzuyu's ear.

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