The Unexpected Turn (M)

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tw: alcohol (?), cheating

Tzuyu nervously stepped into the bar, breaths hitched as she saw Mrs.Park, her lover's wife.

Mrs. Park was sitting on the chair near the bar, dunking another shot of who know what is that down her throat for the nth time. She was not drunk yet, more to tipsy.

Tzuyu took a deep breath, then dragged herself to the woman.

"Oh, Tzuyu! Didn't see you there, have a seat. I'll buy you a drink." Mrs. Park smiled gently at Tzuyu, then moved her head to the bartender to order another drink for her and Tzuyu.

After their drink arrived, Tzuyu drank it to the last drop quickly. Maybe she needed it to face the woman in front of her, whose husband was her lover. "Easy there.." She gulped.

"What is it that you wanna meet me for, Mrs. Park?" Tzuyu questioned after she bought another drink.

"Just Jihyo would do.. no need to be formal." Jihyo let out a sly smile.

Tzuyu was screaming mentally in her head. Why is she so afraid of Jihyo? Who was a head shorter than her? who was probably older than her?

She gulped hard, the drink burned her throat. "So how long has it been?" She choked.

"What has been?" She pretended not to understand what Jihyo was referring to. She knew Jihyo wanted to talk to her about her relationship with her husband, and she knows damn well that she's supposed to just turn her down by not coming to the bar, all dressed up. But she did, and she doesn't know why. It's as if it was impossible to turn Jihyo down.

"Don't act innocent, Tzuyu-ssi." Jihyo moved closer, their face was about an inch close. She stared deep into the fearful eyes, as if she was a food ready for her to devour.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you.." Tzuyu backed away, afraid Jihyo might do something to her. Jihyo gave her no answer. Instead, ran her fingers through Tzuyu's jaw.

"What did you see in him, to be honest?" Jihyo asked, their faces once again so close, and Jihyo showed no signs of backing away, continuing to get closer to Tzuyu as if she was going to kiss her.

"What makes you, a pretty girl like you, be with him?" Jihyo whispered onto her ear, her chin on top of Tzuyu's shoulder.

Tzuyu was confused. Was Jihyo scolding her or flirting with her? The way she was touching and talking to her, it was as if she was flirting with her.

Tzuyu's breaths hitched again when Jihyo carressed her thigh. The look in her eyes wasn't something she'd called as angriness or jealousy. It was dangerous, yet sweet, addicting.

The way Jihyo was looking at her, full of gentleness mixed with lusting gaze, made her feel something she'd never felt before with Jihyo's husband.

Or maybe it just her gayness awakened.

She's liking the way Jihyo would ask her things about her relationship with her husband in between her caresses and touches. She's liking the way Jihyo was making her feel. She's liking the way Jihyo would tease her by almost kissing her but pulled back to take another sip of her drink, and she would drink too.

Her mind was blank after the fifth, but Jihyo continued, buying more drinks and dunking it in her throat. It was hot looking at Jihyo, every time she swallowed her drink and let out a satisfied sound.

Jihyo kissed her exposed shoulder. Her heavy hand wrapped on Tzuyu's small waist. "You're so beautiful." She praised, planting another

Maybe it was a great idea putting on a strapless dress that night. Because Jihyo's lips on her shoulder were more than what she could describe as good.

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