All I Ask (hold me like I'm more than just a friend)

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Tzuyu known better than to not fall in love too easily. She's very careful with who she fell in love with. And people thought that was annoying, because it is to them. What's the need to be careful when it comes to love? they thought.

Jihyo was the asnwer.

Tzuyu hated how good Jihyo was to her. Tzuyu hated her intoxicating scent that filled her place. She hated how gentle and sweet Jihyo could be, she hated even more how mean and awful Jihyo could be.

She loved Jihyo's honey-like voice calling her name. She loved Jihyo's blistering kiss on her neck, on her lips that left her wanting for more every time. She loved everything about Jihyo, about them. Because to her, Jihyo was perfect. They were perfect.

Until it wasn't anymore.

"So you're marrying that guy?" Tzuyu broke the silence in the car. She played with her hands, picking some dried skin around her nails. Nervous habit.

The thick air in the car make it almost impossible to breathe. They've been awfully quiet after Jihyo dropped a news like a bomb to their dinner date. It was out of the blue.

Jihyo knew Tzuyu's eyes are on her. But she couldn't bring back herself to look back at the woman. Her eyes stayed on the road and she nodded with confidence.


Jihyo kept her eyes on the road. Sweats formed on her palms, so she corrected her grip on the steering wheel so they won't slip. She let out a sigh and cleared her throat. "In three days, but today will be the last day I see you. I need to go back to my hometown."

Tzuyu chuckled. " "So what will happen to us?" She turned to look at Jihyo. She'd like to tell Jihyo to pull over so they could talk.

Jihyo repeated the question. Sarcasm filled her tone. "What will happen to us?"

Tzuyu frowned.

"It's not like we have anything special." Jihyo chuckled. "You'll still be my friend– well, aside from sleeping together."

Tzuyu bit the inside of her cheek. That hurts. Suddenly, everything hurts.

They were no stranger to those 'Friend with benefits' relationship. Tzuyu had met Jihyo in a dating app, it happened so fast. Jihyo asked her out on a date, drunk kisses and all she knew, she woke up in Jihyo's bed the next day. Then the circles continued.

Jihyo had warned her though. Warned her not to fall in love with her. And Tzuyu thought it was stupid. Because, why would she fell in love with Jihyo? Then she did.

She tried to brushed aside the feeling. She wanted to lock that feelings deep down in her heart, so maybe she could keep Jihyo close to her. But it was impossible. Jihyo was sweet, gentle and caring, much wiser, and way smarter than her.

Jihyo knew about Tzuyu's feelings. But she doesn't want to care about it. Not like she hadn't warned Tzuyu. It was the idiot in Tzuyu who fell in love with her, it's not her fault.

She gripped the steering wheel tighter and drove a little faster. She went over the limit. She couldn't care about it.

"I told you to not fall in love with me."

Tzuyu looked defeated. She doesn't want to be there, if only Jihyo hadn't lock the car, she was sure she'd jump out of the car at this raging speed. She stayed silent, staring out at the window.

"Drop me there."


Tzuyu pointed at the bus stop a few distance away. "I said drop me there. I'll call cab. I don't wanna see your face."

Jihyo scoffed. Ain't no way. It's late and dark, she's not risking putting Tzuyu in danger just because the woman was being emotional, or so she thought. "No." She replied coldly.

Jihyo was irritating.

"I said drop me there."

"No. I'm driving you home."

"Drop me there!"

Jihyo slammed the steering wheel and looked at Tzuyu with fuming anger in her eyes. "I said I'm driving you home, then I'll drive you home!"

Tzuyu shut her mouth. Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked at her laps. Then tears started to drop, along with sniffles coming out.

Jihyo knew Tzuyu was crying, but she couldn't care less. Maybe she cared, just for a bit. She reached for Tzuyu's hand but the woman pulled it away. So she just rested her hand on Tzuyu's thigh, giving it light squeeze once in a while.

 Jihyo walked Tzuyu to her doorstep much to her protest. She acted like she didn't just screamed at Tzuyu. Then invited herself in to Tzuyu's apartment.

She wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's waist, then pulled her in for a kiss.

"Hey, let's spend our last night together. Okay?" She close the gap between them. Tzuyu knees weakened at the feeling. It was intoxicating, yet that left Tzuyu wanting for more. She closed her eyes and let Jihyo led their legs to her bedroom.

Whines and moans left eachother's mouths. Their clothes scattered on the floor of Tzuyu's bedroom. Her bedsheets smelled like Jihyo, she knows she'll have a hard time forgetting that scent later, but now, she just let the time passed.

Tzuyu felt extremely exposed. And she hated the fact that she still wanted Jihyo. Her body full of purplish bruises Jihyo gave, she knew she's going to need to put on extra clothes to cover them up when going to work. She felt sticky.

And filthy.

"Stay.." She gripped on Jihyo's arms when she's about to leave. That's how Jihyo was. Well sometimes. Jihyo was gentle and sweet, especially when they're in bed. Before, while, and after. She loved Jihyo's aftercare. But sometimes, the woman would not. She'd have her way with Tzuyu, then left. She won't even look at her. She'll picked up her things, then left. Leaving Tzuyu fully exposed, senseless and broken in her own bed alone.

And Tzuyu guess that night wasn't the night to be gentle. So she asked Jihyo to atleast stay with her, although it's hurting her so bad.

Jihyo doesn't want to stay. But didn't have the heart to refuse when she saw tears welled up in Tzuyu's eyes. She let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding and came back to bed. 

"Hold me, please." Tzuyu's voice broke. She closed her eyes and laid herself on Jihyo's bare chest. Jihyo pulled the cover on them and wrapped her arms around Tzuyu.

"I love you, I'm sorry."

 Jihyo shushed her slowly. "I know, I know."

"Jihyo?" The woman hummed as a response. "Hold me please.." Tzuyu sucked in her breath. "Hold me like I'm more than just a friend. Just for tonight." Her face was wet, tears streamed down her cheeks. "That's all I ask. Just tonight. Nothing else." She pleaded.

So Jihyo did. She held Tzuyu in her arms so close she was sure Tzuyu could hear her heartbeat. She peppered Tzuyu with kisses on her face and forehead, She doesn't even know why she was doing it. But she did. She did until her eyes grew heavy and eventually fell asleep.

Tzuyu noticed the sounds of light snores from Jihyo. She kissed the woman's cheek and laid back on her chest. Her eyelids were heavy, but she doesn't want to fall asleep. She was afraid that Jihyo would left her alone again, on their last night. She loved everything about Jihyo. And she loved that she loved Jihyo.

But that night, she hated that she loved Jihyo. 

Jihyo was the answer to people's questioned: "why be careful when it comes to love?"

Because sometimes, you've got to or else, you'll get hurt.

a/n: I might've made Jihyo a red flag in this..

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