(Season 3) Prologue: Dreamland to Tomorrow

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No one's POV

That night, Shizuku had a dream. With bleary awareness, she vaguely wondered where she was and what time it was. The sensation felt like one she had experienced just recently.

Shizuku(mind): This is...

Right... This was a dream. Contrary to Shizuku's bleary awareness, she was certain she could feel her mind stirring awake. Right now, in front of Shizuku, a familiar boy and girl stood facing each other. Of course they would be familiar: the two were childhood friends, and the girl was Shizuku herself. The boy was... blurry.

Shizuku(mind): His name... That's right. His name was..?

Shizuku held head tightly. She was trying to remember the name.

Shizuku(mind): His name...? What's his name...?

Shizuku watched her young self face the young blurry boy in a daze.

Shizuku(mind): This was when that boy I fell in love and I parted ways... before I met Kouki, and the rest.

Shizuku dug through her memories to identify the scene that was playing out in her dream. There was no mistaking it — the dream she was seeing now was a reenactment of a memory. It had been one summer day. The sun's rays scattered over them as the dream Shizuku cried while desperately clinging to the boy.

Shizuku: Don't go, ???-kun!

???: Don't cry, Shizue-chan. We'll meet again, okay?

In contrast to the bawling Shizuku, the boy was gallantly trying to cheer her up. It was so vexing and saddening to see, Shizuku's face fell into an expression of pain.

 It was so vexing and saddening to see, Shizuku's face fell into an expression of pain

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???: I'll come get you when we're bigger! We'll get married! That way... we'll always be together, I'll always be beside you, and I can protect Shizue-chan with my life!

The boy declared to Shizuku, earnest and desperate.

Shizuku: Yes... yes! I want to marry ???-kun!

The young Shizuku's eyes sparkled fiercely as she hugged the boy. It was a tender and fleeting promise made in their youth, with no binding power at all, but that was precisely why it felt so bright and precious to Shizuku.

Shizuku(mind): Mm... Please. Help me...

Shizuku from the present try to called out, but no name come out. Then she held her head tightly as if she was in pain. But all that came was the nickname she gave him

Shizuku(mind): That's right! His nickname was Zo-kun! But what's his name...?

Shizuku couldn't help the tears that welled in her eyes as she watched the scene. There had been no sadder day in her entire life than this one... And yet, at the same time, there hadn't been a happier day, either. That was why Shizuku swore to be stronger from that day onwards. As she grew older, the nature of her feelings changed, but the young Shizuku blindly believed that one day Zo-kun would come to get her...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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