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The blond woke up on his queen sized bed. Today was the day he was waiting for. Yes the football game was yesterday but all night he couldn't stop his brain from thinking about the raven. He even had to take melatonin gummies and drink lettuce water to fall asleep.

He took a nice relaxing bath, making sure to add his minerals, and bombs inside. He just loved the calmness the morning gives him. Most people his age are not early birds but he is one. He loves to wake up with the sun and sleep with it.

He soaked in the relaxing bath until the water got cold and got out. He wrapped his robe around himself and went to do his hair. When he finished his hair he then went downstairs to get coffee. surprised to see he parents up and watching tv.

"You know minato you wanted a boy and I wanted a girl. Looks like we got both." Kushina joked laughing. Naruto pouted. His mother always joked with his father about him. That was true though they both wanted different children and they got one combined.

"When I said a boy I meant a son to play ball with." Minato corrected planting a kiss on his wife's lips. "aye we played ball remember!" Naruto gritted out. When he was little his father took him to playball they started off with soccer but naruto couldn't get the hang of kicking the ball, so they moved to softball, but naruto always seemed to get hit in the face with the ball.

After that football was next but when naruto had the ball he panicked. After all those tries minato decided to stop with the sports maybe his son was an academic more than an athletic. But when Naruto turned 10 he fell inlove with gymnastics. Then dance. Later moving on from cheer.

Minato was blessed with the child being a boy on the outside but a girl on the inside. Naruto opened the fridge to make himself a smoothie. He was a very fit person who held a diet, even in social events. Going to this café was going to break his diet. But he would do it for sasuke.

"So naruto when are we meeting the guy whose got you all in love?" Kushina asked. Naruto winced. His mother would make fun of him he just knew it. "Later on after lunch, they want to have it at a café to eat." He answered finishing his smoothie.

"well I was thinking, us as a family should hang out. I haven't seen you since last Christmas." She asked. Naruto looked down it was true his mother hasn't been home in almost a year. She was in the Land of whirlpools her original birth place to get the company she owned over there settled. Then she went to all the villages to do photoshoots for her modeling career.

"sure that would be fun. Maybe we can go shopping, then whatever dad wants to do." Naruto suggested. Kushina smiled at him and nodded this was going to be the best. Naruto sat on the couch with his parents. His phone notification went off so he checked his phone.

ino- Naruto the group is going to the mall join us.

Naruto groaned at the message, he had his parents with him, and he didn't want to decline the trip to the mall. "Mum, dad how about going to the mall with my friends?" He asked. Kushina looked down but quickly looked back up with a smile on her face. "sure thatll be fun." She stated. Naruto smiled and nodded going back on his phone.

Me- Sure. Meet at the mall after 3?

ino- Sure naruto.

Naruto turned off his phone and watched the movie his parents had on. He ignored his parents getting lovey on the couch.

"Naruto its time to get up." Minato said shaking the younger blond. Naruto slowly woke up. He didn't remember falling asleep but he did. He got up and stretched. Then he went back into his room to get dressed. He put on a black skirt with a white crop top. Then wore orange converse.

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