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Months have passed. Naruto has started bringing the babies to school. At first it was stressful. Having someone he didn't know watch his children in the faculty room. They had made a small child daycare. Where there was two cribs. Bottles, food and other baby need. Naruto was able to visit them during lunch.

It was in the middle of February. Naruto dressed the children up in matching onesies. They was blue with dinosaurs on them. They had dark blue pants on. They was six months. They have each began to grow their front teeth. And have been trying to walk and stand. But naruto knows they aren't there yet.

Football season ended but for those who have spiked the interest in college scouts they still had training. Naruto and his parents talk. He has agreed on marrying whoever his father chooses. Sasuke has still not come to see the children. And naruto knows he wont.

He has the authority and only uses it over naruto. Like when Raiyu had another breath holding spell he passed out longer than 3 minutes. Naruto took him to the hospital because he was also having a fever. The doctors wanted to do testing since he was still under four months. But sasuke said no.

Since they had split custody and split medical rights naruto had agreed to agree with sasuke. He didn't want to fight anymore with him. Raiyu was okay and recovered from the 103 fever with medication. That was it though. One phone call about the boys health. That's all sasuke gave.

Naruto was currently in class we was able to get his grades up and was on the way to becoming the valedvictorian. "Okay everyone we will be using this week to plan for our future. you will fill out the future planning sheet and meetings with your parents will be held." Jiraya told them.

Naruto looked at the sheet that was passed around. It had three colleges that you are thinking about. And any other thing you wanted to do. Military or jobs. Naruto thought about it. His plans was to go to college far away from Konoha. But he had his children. And he was sure sasuke wouldn't allow that.

Naruto started filling out the form. He would go to Konoha university. Then intern at the hospital until he was ready to take over both the hospital and his mother business. He wouldn't have time for dancing like he wanted. He wouldn't be able to complete the promise both him and sasuke made. To become pro, and to open narutos dance studio.

Naruto couldn't fill out anything else. He had the first college down. Konoha university but that's it. He didn't know if his parents was still paying for his college. Or if he needed to have a job to pay for his classes. He completed most of his college mandatory classes. English, science and math. But now he needed to choose his majors. He picked up his phone. And texted sasuke.

Naruto: Would it be okay if I travel outside of Konoha for college? We can meet on holidays for our exchanges if you want them.

He waited for a reply but he got none. Which made him mad. Sasuke looked at the message it was seen. But he chose to ignore him! He chose to let naruto suffer awaiting his reply. Naruto looked at Kakashi who was helping hinata with her sheet. He filled it out to the best of his ability. He would get married, Find a real job while attending college.

Kakashi went up to naurto seeing him struggle. "Okay have you finished your sheet?" He asked. Naruto nodded and handed it into him. Kakashi looked over it and frowned. "We will talk about this. When would your parents be able to come in and have this meeting?" Kakashi asked looking at the calendar in his arms.

"Um how about tomorrow lunch?" He asked. Kakashi looked at the calendar and nodded. "We will rethink this over." He announced walking away. Naruto looked on his phone. It was a text from the daycare worker.

Lilith: The boys have been awoken and changed for lunch. Are you eating lunch inside the nursery?

Naruto: No I have to talk to teachers ill take them.

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