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Two months have passed. Sasuke has watched his children keep growing. They started yelling random baby mesh but he could tell they was trying. Naruto helped them walk in school when they went to the nursery after lunch. He saw how much his children was improving.

And right next to narutos was shikamaru. Helping his children. Feeding his children. Holding and changing them. He hated it. He was their father not the stupid nara. He didn't even know who was who. They wore a bracelet he saw but he couldn't see what name was there.

It made him feel like a failure. He was stressed and annoyed all the time. Today was Friday itachi has agreed to come down and spend time with sasuke after school. It was April which meant they was getting ready for prom, and the senior school trip which was going to be in whirlpool.

Courtesy of naruto's mother. So they would spend a week in whirlpool. He wanted to ask naruto's family permission then. He wanted naruto's uncles permission, his parents and grandparents everyone. He wanted everyone to be present in the wedding with no grudges. If his family had any thing negative he would leave them

The day went by and itachi picked him up. Sasuke sat in the car not saying anything. Itachi drove away with no place in mind. "Nii-san I need help. I want to propose to someone." Sasuke stated. Itachi's eyes widened he left as soon as sai came.

But for sasuke to want to propose was something. He still texted narutos asking for pictures of the boys but that's all he could get. Narutos parents was being strict if by court sasuke didn't ask for a visit then his family had no right to one.

"Okay." Itachi replied driving to the mall. "But nii-san I want to propose to naruto. I love him but sai. Hes being controlling father loves him and wants him around but I love naruto. I want my children. I want my lover. But I cant when sais around." Sasuke vented. Itachi eyes widened he didn't see that coming.

"How about you explain to sai that your over and that you love naruto?" Itachi asked. Sasuke looked at his phone sai was tracking his location and sending him texts. "Because hes crazy. I deletes my photos naruto send of the boys. I cant text naruto without him going feral. I cant even answer anything that concerns them im tired of him." Sasuke cried. Itachi hugged his brother.

"How about when school is over you move in with me and deidara. We will drove you out here the time of your graduation. We will file a restraining order against sai. And when he breaches it have him arrested." itachi planned. sasuke nodded. "Lets go find a ring for naruto." Itachi excitedly told him getting out the car.

Sasuke followed and they went inside the jewelry store looking at the engagements rings. "So what are you looking for?" Itachi asked. Sasuke shrugged. How was he supposed to know. "Fine how about this what is one thing you love about naruto. One thing that you cant forget." Itachi asked. Sasuke looked at itachi.

"His beautiful eyes that my children was blessed to have." Sasuke answered. Itachi laughed. His brother was really inlove. Sasuke looked at the blue engagement ring. The store assistant helped pull more rings into view. He wanted the ring to be the same as his children and the blond.

Not to dark, not to light, Ocean blue. One that would capture his heart. He found it. The ring was a 5ct natural aquamarine engagement ring. The store assistant pulled it out and smiled.

"This one is a beauty." She stated handing the ring to sasuke. He looked at it. This ring was the same color as those beautiful eyes that captured his heart the moment he looked at them. "I want this one with the wedding banner." Sasuke demanded pulling out his card. Itachi shook his head.

"Father will know you bought this ring ill use my card and you pay me back through cash." He warned. Sasuke nodded. After the rings was paid for sasuke and itachi went back to the car. "I don't know how to do this. Will he even except it after all ive done to him and our sons?" He asked. Itachi looked at sasuke he didn't know that answer.

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