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Naruto stayed inside his room the rest of the week. He stopped eating, smiling and talking. His parents have tried to get him to open up but he was stuck inside a depression. It was currently Saturday afternoon. His uncles from whirlpool came two days ago but gave narutos his space.

Kushina walked into narutos room with some food. "Please eat narutos." She begged but narutos didn't move. He didn't raise his head from the pillows. She placed the food down on the desk and sat on the bed combing her fingers through narutos now messed up braided hair.

"Me and minato's been thinking. The court is coming and I have to go back to work. So your uncle are moving in for a while." She said but no movement came from narutos she only could tell he wasn't sleep from the breathes he took.

"We also talked about your schooling. Your not ever going back to Konoha with those people. We saw the video." She hissed. "And lastly we called kabuto to terminate your pregnancy. Your body isn't ready for a baby much less two." She whispered. Naruto sprang up crying. "N-no h-how could y-you?" He yelled sobbing.

Just the thought of killing his children made his angry and sad. He felt dizzy so he laid back down. Groaning from the head ache he had. "Look at you. Your only in your fifth month of pregnancy and your already suffering. Your body cant hold out." She shouted back. Naruto shook his head.

"I will leave you and father if you ever decide to terminate my pregnancy without my consent. Call kabuto and cancel the appointment." He demanded. But all kushina did was look down. "Im sorry but im not doing that. When the pregnancy is over we will move to whirlpool and you will attend their high school." She informed him.

Naruto eyes widened. He touched his stomach feeling those small movements of his child. His blood. His creation. With all his force he got up and walked out the room. ignoring kushina yells for him to come back. He walked passed his family into his car.

He left his wallet, phone and clothes inside. All he had was a robe on. He groaned at where he could go. But one thing is for sure he couldn't stay there. He started his car pulling out the drive way. He sped off before his family could catch him.

They would look at the nara house or call so he couldn't go there. But he did have anything on or no money. He groaned thinking of who else he knew. His children gave small movements. And he placed a hand over his stomach. He knew one place he could go without them finding him.

He prayed that the one person he didn't want to see wasn't there. He parked his car Infront of the uchiha house. He got out and knocked on the door. He was getting dizzy by the second. His legs was shaking from walking after laying down for a long time.

The door was opened by itachi who looked shocked. He quickly closed the door. Which shocked narutos. He started crying. Was they turning him down too? He slid down on the door crying. He was alone. Now. His family wanted to kill his babies.

The door opened and itachi immediately went to help narutos up. "Sorry but sasuke was eating I told him to go to his room." Itachi stated. They walked inside to see most of the uchiha. Naruto kept his head down. He knew he looked terrible but he didn't need to judgement right now.

Mikoto went to him checking for any injuries. "Naruto why are you here?' She asked after finding none. "I-I hate them. T-they want to kill m-my babies." narutos cried out. Mikoto paled how could his family want something like that?

If it was because of sasuke that was petty. Fugaku came and gave narutos some clothes. narutos nodded and took them. He didn't care about going to the bathroom he was too weak so he undid his robe and put on the shirt. Then the pants.

Mikoto eyes widened. He was all boney. His legs was the same size as his arms. His rib cage was showing. And you could start to see his spine. She understood why now. "narutos your unhealthy." She cried. narutos shook his head. "No im not we are fine. See!" He shouted placing her hand on his stomach to feel the small movements.

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