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Naruto looked outside of his frosted, frozen window. It was currently Christmas eve and it was snowing. He loved winter but even with the snow out it was still depressing for him. His father left to the sand to sign a peace and trade treaty. And his mother wanted to spend Christmas in whirlpool with her brother.

So he was left all alone for Christmas. He got gifts from his parents which consisted of a new apple computer, the new iPhone 13 pro max, shoes and money. Then came the presents from his villagers which consisted of ramen and bracelets. But he was still lonely.

It was Christmas eve and he was crying. He couldn't ask to join the uchihas party he would be imposing. Even though hes been dating sasuke for almost 3 months now he thinks Christmas should be spent with family.

He blew his nose to clear the stuffiness from his crying. Maybe his grandmother and grandfather could come celebrate with his. He loved Christmas it was his favorite holiday. He called his grandparents.

tsunade- Naruto whats wrong?

Nothing but canyou and that pervy sage come spend Christmas with me?

tsunade- sorry narutos but we are currently not in Konoha and wont make it back until after new years.

oh okay that's fine.

He hung up the phone he didn't need to hear her be worried about him. He broke out into tears. He couldn't spend Christmas alone. He hated being alone. He hugged the stuffed animal sasuke bought for him when they went to the mall.

He named it kurama. Suddenly his phone rang. It was his none other than sasuke. He took many deep breaths to get his voice in order for the call. He wasn't going to bring sasuke into this. He answered the phone trying to act as happy and normal as he always would.

Hey babe!

sasuke- Whats wrong?

He started crying again covering his mouth with his hands so sasuke couldn't hear. They could always read right through each other. So leave it to sasuke to know that Naruto was crying. After crying he uncovered his mouth and took more deep breaths.

Nothing is wrong just haven't been feeling well. Don't worry about me my parents have been taking care of my well.

sasuke- well that's okay. I was just calling to check up my whole family is getting together so he have to cook and clean.

oh that's tiring. well im going to let you go my parents are coming.

with that he hung up the phone. he threw his phone at his wall screaming. Why was his parents always putting work over him? He begged them to stay to put him first for once but they both said he was old enough to stay by himself and that they had more important things to do.


sasuke stared at his phone after narutos had suddenly hung up. He knew his blond had been crying and that something was wrong but he couldn't tell what. "What wrong sasuke?" Itachi asked walking in the room carrying the dinner plates they kept in the attic.

"Naruto somethings wrong." He told him. Fugaku came in the room hearing their conversation. "I heard his father left to the sand to sign the newest treaty." Fugaku inputted. sasuke looked at his father. "What?" He asked.

Naruto said his parents was there taking care of him. Hes never lied to him so why did he lie now? Who was he with? Was he cheating on him. Sasuke cracked his phone from gripping on it too hard. "sasuke control yourself. Your doing good don't ruin it." Itachi reminded him taking his phone out from his grip.

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