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After the hospital check up sasuke and his family went out to eat. sasuke was numb. His heart was yelling at him for leaving Naruto. for leaving their creation. But his mind was telling him to forget about the blond.

He was an obstacle in the way of his future. The one they talked about they planned together. Since narutos had the school, the hospital and his mothers company to run sasuke would become the football player. And once his career was over when he aged out he would take over his mother company and the school so naruto could become the dance instructure he always wanted to become.

Sasuke didn't know which one to listen to. His mind was right while his heart was feelings. He needed the blond to become the better person he wanted. He felt like more chains was around him when they was apart.

But he couldn't be a father not yet not ever. He hated children. He resented them. He hated his intermittent explosive disorder. The anti-depressants he took to calm his anger made him drowsy and it made him feel soulless.

Another reason why he didn't want kids. Was because his family had a history of other medical illnesses. He still remembers those late night hospital trips because itachi was coughing up blood. His brother is or was really sick but with medication they was able to help him.

He looked on his phone and still no messages from naruto. He clicked on his contact smiling at the names. 'My dobe.' he remembered the conversation of their contact names. Naruto hated his contact being the blond. And sasuke hated his contact being sasuke Uchiha.

So they decided to change it to something most meaningful. Naruto chose his love. While sasuke chose his dobe. He clicked on the call button and went straight to voice mail. He called again realizing that naruto blocked him.

"That's dobe sure did move on really fast." He said chuckling. It was fine he was going to show naruto that he was better without him. "Sasuke are you okay you've been staring at your phone." Mikoto asked eating her rice and grilled salmon.

Sasuke looked at his family, that was right he was out having dinner. He smiled. "Yes sorry for worrying you all, but I am going to do my best to become the person you can be proud of." He proclaimed eating his food. Fugaku gave a small nod while Mikoto smiled sadly. She was already proud of her son.

"Sasuke itachi said you can intern at his company to get yourself distracted for a while until football started back up." Fugaku remarked. Sasuke looked at his older brother seeing him nod. "Sure it would be good to get my mind busy so I don't think of naruto." He sadly admitted.

Mikoto looked down she was a stay at home mother but with itachi grown up and sasuke sent to different facilities she was left alone all day. She was so happy when sasuke came back from the facility. Now he was growing up too and it made her feel sad.

"Im getting old." She whined. Sasuke chuckled. "Don't worry mother soon itachi and his new boy friend will be having kid for you to watch and spoil." Sasuke joked ignoring the glare his brother gave him.

Mikoto and fugkau gasped. "what boy friend?' Fugaku asked. Itachi groaned he was still new to dating deidara and didn't want his family meeting him. "His name is deidara and hes 20 years old." Itachi mumbled blushing. "Oh how lovely when would we be able to meet him?" Mikoto asked with gems in her eyes.

Itachi's eyes widened. He hasn't thought about bring deidara home yet. "Um how about Saturday." He asked with closed eyes. "Yes that tomorrow dear we can cook or go to a restaurant." He planned smiling. she was the same age as kushina but with older boys and she still didn't have grandchildren.

Not that she was rushing sasuke but now that itachi was back dating she now had the chance to spoil children again. "Mom anything is fine he adopted from a middle class family so we don't need to go all out." He argued.

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