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Sasuke looked around the all to familiar room. It had boring almond white color and poster and flyers for help or support groups. The vibe in the room no the building was dark and depressing. He hated coming here but its what he needed to do for himself and for narutos.

"Sasuke are you paying attention?" His lawyer asked. Sasuke looked at the man. His had tan skin with his hair in a ponytail. A nasty scary across his face which made everyone wonder where he got it from. "Ive met your son, Shikaku Nara." Sasuke stated. The lawyer looked at him, "Oh really." He asked.

"My boyfriend is close friend with your son so of course id meet him." The raven responded. Shikaku chuckled a bit. That was right talk of Konoha was that the mayors son was dating the criminal. And narutos and shikamaru was brother to each other.

"Well hope you like him. Now back to your court in a couple of months." Shikaku reminded. Through out their whole session sasuke hasn't been paying attention. "Listen both of you." The rave said talking to his lawyer and probation officer.

"I have found love, and I cant be the person I was when I was little. I am still on my medication and going to monthly therapy. I want to be free from my past for him." He snapped. What they said didn't matter if I didn't help him move on.

Sasukes probation officer by the name inoichi looked at him. "Im going to tell you the truth sasuke. Your doing very well on probation clean drug testing, Not past your curfew but its all up to the courts." He told the teen.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He knew that already. "I know, but all I want is to live my life with my blond and playing foot ball." He quietly said looking down. It wasn't that simple and he knew that. "Hey cheer up your court is in February so we have a little ways to go. And you can ask Naruto to accompany you so he can support you." Inoichi smirked.

They both knew they could use the blond to cheer sasuke up and maybe they could use it over him if needed. But they was both being welly payed buy the Uchiha family to help sasuke so they was going to do their best to get him off probation and back into society.

Sasuke thought about it. Naruto sitting in his support section crying when he heard that he was free and off probation. He wanted narutos to be there for that big step of his life. His phone started ringing so he looked at the caller id and smiled to himself.

For some reason the blond knew how to make the raven feel all kinds of emotions. Fear, jealousy, love and lust. Before he they met he was only feeling anger and unhappiness. But now he has a reason to smile. To live. And he owed it all to the blond.

Naruto- Babe!!! I want to go out for some ramen and ice-cream pleaseeee!"

Inoichi and shikaku laughed hearing the blond. Yep that was their Naruto alright, as hyper and loud as ever. They remember when minato told them kushina was expecting it was a shock seeing as she had a rare sickness that affect both her and the baby during pregnancy.

But they both survived and shes been as healthy as she ever was. When they first met the blond they was shocked. He was so pretty with his giant blue orbs that stared at them with curiosity. All of them promised to protect him with their life.

Sure baby I can pick you up when I am out my meeting.

What meeting? Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything.

No its fine, I be there soon love.

with that they hung up. Sasuke looked back at his lawyer and probation officer who was both smirking. He groaned they wasn't going to let this go. "Your whipped." Inoichi commented making shikaku burst out into laughter.

"Oh shut up. But we will have to meet later since my boy friend is waiting for me." Sasuke stated getting up. "Sure how about we do it 2 weeks before court. We can meet the 3rd of February?" Shikaku asked. Sasuke nodded his head. He was basically free any time.

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