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Everyone met up at the food court. They had rented a booth out for the whole class. narutos saw his father and ran to him. "Where is my sons?" He asked. Minato pointed to tsunade and kushina rocking them to sleep. Naruto went to them. "Did they love the water?" Naruto asked. "They wasn't used to the coldness." Kushina giggled.

Naruto carried one of them breast feeding. Sasuke went over to them covering narutos with his sweater. Naruto nodded and looked back at his son. "Sasuke carried the other one. "Ill change their diaper." He stated grabbing the baby bag. Naruto smiled at him. Sasuke went to the bathroom and changed the baby diaper. Who cried and squirmed the whole time.

When he went back to narutos he traded babies and did the same. The food was served. Hot dogs with french fries. Sasuke rocked his child to sleep while eating. Naruto did the same. When lunch was over narutos placed the boys into the stroller with a towel around them.

The rest of the time narutos and sasuke went on water slides together. At 5 the boys woke up so narutos and sasuke had took them to the kiddo's area. They crawled on the floor playing with the water toys narutos brought.

Naruto saw other parents on their phone while their baby played he would never do that. Yeah the highest this water went to was 2 feet but they could still get hurt. There was slides they could get hurt on. Naruto watched his sons crawl to the slide. He placed Raiden on the slide and sasuke was there to catch him. Raiyu whined so narutos picked him up and put in on the baby slide. Sasuke caught him.

"Excuse me. But you boys are with the high school that came here?" A lady asked. Naruto nodded not looking at her. His children was crawling trying to play and touch everything. "Oh wow, So they are your children was your parents okay with this?" She asked them. Naruto looked up offended.

That when he noticed the stares. Everyone judging them because they had children young. "Our families didn't expect it. neither did we it was just something that was uncontrollable. But they eventually supported us. So excuse us." Sasuke gritted out carried Raiyu.

"Here in whirlpool people who had children young are shunned. Its a disgrace to the family." The women shouted. Naruto looked at the other people nodding their head to support what the lady said. He had enough and carried Raiden. "Excuse us but we don't need to hear that." He tried politely saying walking away. Sasuke followed.

They went inside and got in the hot tub. Since the boys had floaties on they could swim inside the hot tub all they wanted. Naruto was so mad though. They didn't know what they both went through. "My family says that the reason it happened was because I was meant to be a mother to those boys." Naruto whispered to sasuke while watching raiden splash the water.

"They said that they would be born into an amazing family with no judgment no hate. And I believed that. I was made a parent so young because I could handle it. Give them the happy life they deserve. But I failed the looks and talks people do when they see me with them." Naruto whimpered out crying. Sasuke rubbed his back.

narutos cuddled into the raven watching his children float around the hot tub. Once they notice that the boys was getting hot they got out. "Its 5:20, lets just go back to the front after changing." Naruto told him. "hn." Sasuke replied.

They went to the changing rooms. "Im going to take a shower." Sasuke told narutos. Naruto nodded. "Take the boys they need one too." Naruto commented. "why don't we just all take one together?" Sasuke asked. Naruto blushed but still gave a small nod. They got undressed and got in the shower together.

Sasuke looked at narutos Infront of him. He was beautiful, Perfect. He never actually seen narutos naked since he didn't remember the night when their sons was conceived. Naruto turned around to sasuke. They was both holding a son. Naruto looked at sasuke taller figure. He blushed when he looked down immediately looking back at sasukes face.

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