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In the morning naruto woke up to an empty bed. He frowned, the shower wasn't on. Sasuke was no where in the room. He put on one of the robes the room came with then his ring. He went downstairs to grab something to drink.

He made some tea and grabbed a banana. When he back into the room he saw sasuke with bags and breakfast. She smiled and hugged sasuke from behind. "I thought you left me." He whined. Sasuke turned around and picked up naruto. "I would never." He added. They hugged until naruto's stomach growled.

Sasuke placed him on the bed. And opened the food he got. It was a smoothie, pancakes, fruits and sausages. Naruto looked at the bags confused. "Matching clothes for us and the boys." Sasuke answered grabbing a bite of his pancakes. Naruto nodded eating his pancakes.

When they was finished eating their took a shower together then got dressed. Naruto was wearing a black and white stripped dress. While sasuke was wearing black cargo pants with a white tee-shirt. The babies had a white onesie with black sweat pants. Sasuke placed naruto's engagement ring on his finger kissing it. Naruto smiled.

"Lets go the boat leaves at 2." Sasuke told naruto. They had woke up late and it was currently 11. They had to walk to naruto's uncle house get the boys changed then go to the boat docking site. Naruto held sasukes hand as they walked to house. When they arrived they heard yelling. Naruto groaned.

They walked inside the house. He walked to where the boys was. Jiraya was bouncing Raiden who was kicking his way out his arms. Raiyu was squirming in Yahikos arms. "Whats wrong?' Naruto asked. The boys looked over at naruto reaching their arms to him. Naruto carried them placing them on his hip. "They woke up early in the morning crying because they wanted to be fed.

When we tried to give them real food they rejected it. They've been crying since." Kushina answered rubbing her head. naruto nodded. "Sorry I breast feed them to sleep and in the middle of the night." He stated. Sasuke took Raiden so naruto can take off his shirt. naruto took off his shirt careful of the baby in his arms. Raiyu quickly clamped onto naruto nipple and started suckling.

Naruto yelped. "whats wrong?" Sasuke asked. Naruto patted his babies back. "Hes biting." naruto answered. Sasuke nodded. Raiden was biting his fingers so he didn't mind. Minato walked into the room. "naruto!" He yelled going to naruto. Naruto raised his head to look at his father.

Minato inspected his sons body. "Dad stop, If im having sex its not your business. But me and sasuke agreed to actually wait until marriage." naruto shouted. Minato nodded. Raiyu unclamped so naruto passed him to sasuke and took Raiden who clamped on suckling happily.

When they was finished they go the boys in the bath and put them into the matching clothes. "Okay lets go meet every one at the dock." Minato stated. They all got into the van driving to the dock. It was the last day here they would be leaving tomorrow morning. Naruto smiled it was a lovely village. His mother was loved in it.

They got on the boat with the class. Naruto let the boys crawl on the floor. "Omg naruto!" Ino yelled. Everyone looked at them confused. "Your finger!" She shouted raising his hand. Naruto smiled and nodded. Hinata rana to see what ino was talking about. "Naruto is engaged!" Ino yelled.

Neji looked at naruto lost. He knew what he did was wrong but he thought they was close enough fro that. He got up with everyone else to look at narutos ring. "Who?" Neji demanded. Naruto looked at him confused. "Who did you say yes to?" He asked again.

"Me hyuuga." Sasuke answered. Neji clenched his fists. "You jack ass left him and your children. You knocked up naruto like some slut then left. I stayed and helped and he accepts your engagement offer. Did his parent approve they would never approve of a criminal like you to marry their son." Neji gritted out. Sasuke looked mad.

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