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The first night in the Uzumaki house for sasuke was hard. He got side eyes a lot and when he was in the kitchen cooking he was stared into to make sure he grab anything harmful.

It was stressful seeing as he hasn't even said one word to them yet since that day. But he wanted to, not just for his closure but for his and narutos relationship. Today with the day before new years which meant they was leaving tomorrow and he needed to do it today.

Today the family planned to go visit the town square. There was going to be a big Christmas tree, plays and nice vendors selling things. Naruto was banned from using he card since he over drafted on buying the uchihas Christmas presents so sasuke wanted to make it a nice date for naruto.

It was currently 12 pm and the family was watching the home alone movies. Sasuke smiled at his blond cuddled up with his mother and uncles. He didnt feel like he had a place there so he walked to the table and sat on one of the chairs.

He watched the movie silently occasionally texting when his phone went off. He checked up with his probation officer every twelve hours and took his medication so he was sure he was going to be off probation, which excited him. He would be able to be the person naruto deserves.

When the movie was over narutos got up and turned off the tv. He knew about sasuke wanting to talk to his family. He still had nightmares that broke narutos heart having to witness. He wanted all of them to get closure over his cousins death.

And it was going to happen today. "Now we are going to all talk like adults and settle the conflict between each other. Because if this doesn't get resolved you wont be invited to my wedding when it happens." narutos joked.

Nagato groaned hes been trying to avoid this. He thought he was doing well until narutos did this. "No im not ready for that talk." He begged looking desperately at his nephew. "why?" narutos asked slightly yelling. "Bottling your emotions isn't good for anybody so please talk this out if not for yourself then for me." He pleaded with tears in his eyes.

Nagato sighed, his nephew always had a way with his words that hit people right in the heart. He got up and sat at the table Infront of sasuke. narutos and yahiko joined their significant other. Kushina also sat at the table to monitor.

Sasuke bowed his head. "Im really sorry for what I did to your daughter. I-I was just so scared and my body moved on its own. Its not an excuse but its the truth." He cried. Naruto rubbed his back. To give him some comfort. Nagato and yahiko started crying. Their daughter was only 12 when she was killed.

They didn't get to see her grow into a beautiful lady, they will never get to walk down the aisle when she gets married. They will never get her precious life back all they are with was memories. But the worst part was how she died.

She was pictured to be sexually assaulting sasuke when they knew she would never do that. No that's not it. they knew her obsession with the raven but chose to play it off as a small child's crush. They was the ones to blame. They hugged each other crying.

Kushina rubbed their backs giving them tissues. She couldn't imagine loosing her son. Even when she was sick she couldn't let her child die. "Nagato?" Naruto quietly asked. He wanted to give them all the time they needed.

Nagato blew his nose and looked at the still bowing sasuke. "I knew about her obsession with you but I didn't think she would go that far. We d-didn't even knew she knew about those things. Im sorry for what she did to you." He cried. Sasuke cried still bowing his head.

"I just didnt know what to do. Im so sorry I never meant to hurt or even kill her. But when I pushed her she fell and hit her head. I was scared of your reaction so I threw her in the pool. I-I was so young!" He cried again holding onto naruto.

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