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Naruto looked around the familiar room. Hes been it every month. The vintage Bahia grass green on most walls. And on others the vintage cloudberry purple. The machine to his right. And two other chairs Infront of the bed. Which his parents was currently sitting at.

He was nervous. He was currently in his 20 week of pregnancy. And his stomach was really showing. Hes had two urinary tract infections, and lately he's been experiencing Braxton hicks. The doctor he know as kabuto walked in the room.

"Good morning. As you requested today we will find out the gender of the two bundles." He said turning on the machine. Naruto nodded. His parents wanted to throw him a baby shower because it was his first pregnancy. But he was against it.

He's still been attending school but was given a special case to be in the library most of the day. Iruka, Kakashi and asuma all agreed to teach him in there on their free period. The others like kurenai requested his attendance in her class so he went.

But even that didn't stop the constant hushed talks about him. The death threats to him and his babies. And most of all seeing his ex become the schools hero for knocking him up. Sasuke was always surrounded by people most sakura who was still trying to get his attention.

The trails against his family started yesterday when they was served court papers than none other than hiashi hyuga. Naruto had a break down seeing them. He was so guilty and selfish for putting his family through this but after comforting him they all agreed they was going to get justice and let him finish school.

It was currently June 23rd and prom was tomrrow. Naruto was excited it probably would be his only chance at prom. He was still deciding what he wanted to do after his children birth. He would have to nurse them for the first year of their life.

"So this check up we will be doing an anatomy scan. We want to make sure the babies are growing properly. We will check the heart rate. And their major organ growth. Naruto nodded. His mind was blanking. Sasukes family was still bothering them. Buying things for him and the baby like spa essentials. baby clothes which he had to say was cute.

But over all it was over whelming. He felt bad for denying their presence in his children's life but its what was best. He was too young to be single forever. And when his babies was born he was going to date. He didn't need to explain as to why his children had three other family instead of two.

He didn't need them feeling unwanted. He wanted them to be happy. Give them the childhood he had with his parents. Kabuto gave narutos the anatomy scan looking hard at the screen. Narutos heart skipped a beat. Was there something wrong with his baby?

"It looks like they are both doing well. Their organs are growing well and they seem healthy." he determined. Naruto looked at his parents crying. This pregnancy has been hard. Between the constant fainting spells and the incoming Braxton hicks. His stomach was littered in stretch marks he couldn't take anymore.

"Now for the gender who would like to know?" Kabuto asked. Kushina jumped up with a card. "We are planning a baby shower so please write the results on here." She asked. Kabuto nodded. He looked back on the scree smiling he wrote the genders down. Kushina looked and squealed.

Naruto paled. "Momo calm down." He sighed. Kushina ran to her husband and showed him the results. Minato smiled. "Your going to be a very happy mother." He stated. Naruto nodded slowly he was already doubting wanting this. He missed sasuke. He missed his old life back.

He sometimes thought about adoption. He wondered if his family would hate him for giving the baby away. He wondered how would sasukes parents would adopt the babies and let him in their life. Most of all he worried about the general public opinion. Would they call his heartless for giving his children away?

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