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Naruto laid on the hospital bed rubbing his stomach. It was currently February 23rd and he knew sasuke was having his last trial case for the killings. He knew in his heart that sasuke was going to get off probation and become the best football player alive.

he was currently on his eight week of pregnancy and it was killing him. Not only was he getting aches regularly but he was getting a bigger appetite. He usually had two servings of every meal. But considering he was still on his diet he didn't mind.

"Naruto I think you should just quit school. If the kids are doing this whats to say they wont hurt you or the baby for real?" Kushina worriedly asked. Naruto was lucky enough to break his fall with his hands but that didn't mean the next time he wont land wrong.

Naruto looked at his mother shaking his head. "No that's what they want. Im not giving up my dream because I am pregnant. What would my kid think of me then?" He shouted. Kushina looked down. "This isn't about your dreams anymore they are over. Its about the safety of you and your kid." She responded.

"Mom this is my life. You got to live yours now let me live mine." He begged. Kushina gave a small nod. When his son had his mind on something he stuck through with it. That's was one thing she loved about him. His determination.

Kabuto walked into the room with the sonogram machine. Naruto looked at him. "Since there was a nasty fall we are going to make sure the baby is still alright." He informed. Naruto nodded and lifted his shirt. Kabuto checked naruto stomach looking at the screen and he smiled. "Everything is all good with these little guys. I am thinking twins but I cant be for sure yet." He concluded.

Naruto felt tears in his eyes looking at the screen. It was in black and white but he saw the difference in the two babies there. "My babies." He cried. kabuto smiled. And turned on the sound and naruto heard his babies quick but strong heart beats.

He rubbed his flat upper stomach. He was going to protect them with all his life. He was going to give them the world. Give them a happy life. "Ill print out some pictures while you wipe your stomach." Kabuto stated. Naruto sat up and rubbed the gel off his stomach. Then he pulled down his shirt.

"Here you go. I would still come to the appointment in march to make sure the babies are okay." He told them. Naruto nodded looking at the ultrasound photos. There was three wallet sized, and once picture sized. He didn't have enough people for this. He and his parents all had them but it saddened him that that all he had. All his babies had.

Minato picked them up from the hospital and they went home. "Dad can you please get the house ready. The student council is having a meeting here since it had to be canceled yesterday from my fall." He reminded. Minato nodded and kissed narutos forehead.

"Oh and heres your grandbabies." naruto announced giving him a picture. Minato looked at the picture eyes widened. Babies? Two? His son was having twins. "I love them already." He relied making naruto smile. "Me to." Naruto stated.

"Naruto go rest before they come. School get out at 4 and its only 2." Kushina suggested. Naruto nodded he was tired. He slowly walked up to his room and slept. Minato looked at kushina. "The uchihas was here I saw them from watering the plants he doesn't need the stress." She cleared his thinking.

Just then the door rang. With great annoyance they opened the door. "to what do we owe the pleasure?" Kushina sarcastically asked. Mikoto looked down. Itachi lead them to the couch. "Where is sasuke?" Minato questioned. "Hes currently sleeping." Fugaku answered. "We are sorry. We just hear about narutos pregnancy and we want to be apart of the baby life." Mikoto cried.

Kushina glared at her. Their son broke naruto. He insulted him. "Your son already agreed to stay away from my son and the baby. He gave his rights away. So please don't come by here again." Minato demanded. "Please. We didn't know about narutos pregnancy if we did we would have forced him to stay." Mikoto cried.

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