Chapter 2

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Third Person P.O.V.

Once all the orphans would come back to the orphanage, Cana and Acalia would talk for hours and hours about Fairy Tail. What they didn't know was, someone was listening in.

Mother Loma.

She would hear how much they wanted to leave the orphanage and how much they wanted to join Fairy Tail.

Mother Loma wanted all of her orphans to be happy. But they couldn't leave.

Everyday, she would hear them talking about magic.

But one time, she heard Cana say something that shouldn't of been said.

"If our parents aren't even coming back, why are we still here? We could go to Fairy Tail now!"

What Cana didn't know was that she still had a parent. A father. The only thing was, Mother Loma didn't know who he was. Acalia on the other hand, her mother died in childbirth and her father passed from a sickness.

However, Mother Loma was the one who was uninformed. Cana knew that she had a father. She knew where he was and who he was.

He was a member of Fairy Tail.

That only drove Cana to want to go there more. To finally have family that would love her. Mother Loma did love her like her own child but, it didn't feel right.

The next week, the man that Cana and Acalia heard talking to Mother Loma came again. But this time, they couldn't listen in on what they were talking about.

However, this time was different.

After Mother Loma finished talking to the man, she came to Cana and Acalia's room.

"Cana, Acalia. Have a seat please. I need to talk to you." she said as she sat down on the wooden rocking chair.

Cana and Acalia came with frightened faces.

"Oh, no. You aren't in trouble my dears." she said and their faces relaxed.

Mother Loma sighed.

"Cana, Acalia, I am well assured that you know your particular talents." She started slowly.

Cana and Acalia nodded. They knew what she was talking about.

"Magic." They said at the same time.

Mother Loma smiled.

"Yes. Magic. The great gift that some of us may possess."she looked down at the two girls.

"I have heard you're desires go becoming a mage in an official guild. Specifically, Fairy Tail. Am I correct?" she asked.

Cana and Acalia looked down to the floor.

"We don't want to upset you Mother Loma, we just want to be able to fit in with people of our kind." Acalia said quietly.

"You haven't upset me. I know your talents and I know the feeling of wanting to fit in. I am a mage myself." Mother Loma said.

The two girls looked up in surprise.

"I have been speaking with the guild master of Fairy Tail. He is quite excited to meet you and know your type of magic."

"To meet us? Are you letting us go?" Cana asked.

Mother Loma smiled.

"What ever makes my two beautiful orphans happy."

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