Chapter 15

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Acalia's P.O.V.

I turn to see Cana flailing her arms around and waving me over to the table she sits at. There are two other men sitting with her. I walk over, signalling Gray to come join me as well.

"I see you went on your first job here." Cana says, her voice slurring. I spot bottles and bottles of beer and wine littered around her. Drunk.

I nod.

"She's the silent type isn't she?" I hear someone say beside Cana.

The man wears purple armor plates on his shoulders, leaving his fair skinned chest exposed. His shiny black hair is slicked back and gathered into a tight bun tied with a white cloth at the back of his head. Beneath his red eyes are five black upturned triangles. He drinks from a brown gourd, the same shape that hang from his ears.

"Bacchus, be a little kinder to ma sister from another mister would ya?" Cana slurs.

"Sorry doll." He hiccups taking a long swing from his gourd, which should be empty, and throwing his arm around Cana's bare shoulders.

"Bacchus, get you're hands off my daughter now. Cana, maybe a little less alcohol would be better sweetie." A deep voice is heard from the opposite side of the table.

A mid aged man sits with his feet on the table. This shoulder length orange hair slicked back from his structured face. His black cloak collars above his scruffy chin. His left arm is replaced with metal prosthetics over his badgered chest, bandaged and sports scars.

"Acalia Lyall, huh? You must be the other SS Class mage Master told me about." He says in a controlled voice unlike the other two who sit at the table, who are giggling uncontrollably.

"SS CLASS WIZARD?" Gray yells beside me.

"YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT!" He continues yelling.

"WHY-HOW DID-" His voice falls silent as I punch his gut to shut him up.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would be like this." I whisper him his ear, followed by a sorry from Gray.

The orange haired man chuckles beside me.

"I'm Gildarts Clive, the other SS Class mage here in Fairy Tail and Cana's father." he says with a small bow of his head.

My eyes widen. Cana found her father. He's here with her all the time at Fairy Tail. If only my father- No. Don't think like that. He's alright. I'll find him. 

I feel a tear escape my eye and I quickly wipe it away hoping that nobody saw.

"Sit down, kids." Gildarts says pulling up two other chairs. We thank him and sit down.

"I was in the same orphanage as Cana growing up. " I say quietly, but loud enough that Gildarts could hear.

His face is a mixture of emotion. Shock. Guilt. Pity. Sadness.

"Dad! Don't bother Acalia on your boring stories!" Cana says, followed by a eruption of giggles.

I look back to Gildarts, looking at him right in the eye.

His eyes widen as I do so and he searches my face, then landing on my right eye.

"Artificial eye huh? Like Erza..." He states, still regarding my face.

"Gray made it for me." I whisper not thinking about what I was saying. I didn't expect anyone to hear it but Gildarts did. 

"He made it for you?" He asks, staring at my glassy ice eye. 

"She saved my life, I gave her an eye in return." Gray coughs, his hand over his gut. 

Gildarts raises one eyebrow. 

"Cool story. You're gonna have to tell me that one after Gray." 

A awkward moment of silence is, followed but Gildarts looks oblivious to it all, like he's in his own world. 

"So... What kind of magic do you use Evangeli- I mean Acalia?" He says, shaking his head over his mistake. 

"Dragon slayer."

He looks surprised, almost as if he expected a different answer.

"What form?" 

"Water and ice." I reply simply. 

He looks to Gray then me then back again, a small smile growing on his face as he does so. 

He mumble water and ice multiple times before zoning out into nothingness. 

"Gildarts uses Crash magic and is the most oblivious man alive, so don't get upset if he stops talking to you mid sentence. He uh... gets distracted." Gray says, throwing an arm around my shoulders, like Bacchus did to Cana.

I usually hate physical contact. It reminds me too much of when I had a guardian with me but, with Gray's arm around my shoulder, I didn't really mind.

"Well doll, I gotta get going. Master is gonna wonder why I haven't been at the guild for three weeks." Bacchus slurs, getting up. 

"Come back tomorrow for another drinking contest!" Cana slurs waving goodbye. Although it looked more like her arms were having a seizure. 

Gray leans in beside me. 

"Bacchus is as strong as Erza, even if he does and is a drunken man." He whispers in my ear. 

I laugh quietly, not being able to believe that Cana, who always wore dresses and skirts, is now drinking and hanging out with weird men in just a bikini top and capri pants. 

"So Evangeline, where's your cat?" Gildarts asks out of the blue.

"Acalia. I don't have a cat." I answer, utter most confused.
Gray laughs beside me. 

"That's true. All the dragon slayers have a cat or so called exceeds. They're sort of like the dragon slayers companion. Natsu has Happy, Wendy has Carla and Gajeel has Panther Lily." Gray says pointing out the exceeds. 

"I had a companion." I whisper thinking back on my old friend.

Thorin was a beautiful gray wolf. Once Astarot, the water dragon disappeared, I found Thorin, a lone wolf separated from his pack. I fed him and he followed me everywhere. In one of the libraries of an abandoned town, I found that Astarot in demonology was a serpent like dragon who lived in the deep seas but had a wolf on land who served him as a friend. He fell before I met Gray. He was killed by murders from a dark guild. 

I look up to see Gray staring at me and Gildarts staring off into space.

You okay?

I nod my head. 

"Come on Acalia, lets go get some food." Gray say standing up. 

I stand.

"It was a honor meeting you Gildarts Clive." I say, bowing my head to him. 

I follow Gray but I hear Gildarts whisper, 

"It was nice seeing you again Evangeline Lyall." 

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