Chapter 22

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Cana's P.O.V.

"Acalia is my daughter." 

I stand there stunned, the words sinking in.

"WHAT THE FUCK?"I yell standing up, facing my father. 

"LANGUAGE!" He yells back, narrowing my eyes at my "bad" behavior.

How can he worry about bad behavior when he told me Acalia is my half sister. What the hell did he except? Just take it without any emotion and continue with life?

I slump back into the seat, his words sinking in. His daughter? 

"How?" I whisper, looking down at the ground, I can't look at my father anymore. 

"Cana... Don't be angry with me." He says leaning down, his fingers lifting up my face, his eyes looking into mine. 

I slap his hand away. 

"How?" I ask again, harshness emphasizing my voice. 

His eyes are full of hurt but I ignore it. He sits down on the seat on the opposite end of the compartment. 

"After I left Cornelia, your mother. I met another woman." He starts, but it ended there. 

I clench my fists.

"So she was just another one of your women to be with? You can't just leave one woman for another! You can't leave a mother bearing YOUR child to take care of it alone!" I scream. 

He left me. My mother and I. To be with another woman even when I was alone. Even when mom died, he didn't know. He didn't even know he had a daughter. 

My vision is blurry, tears pouring down my face. My own father. I can't believe it. I wonder how many other half siblings I have around the world. 

"Cana, you don't understand!" He says, grabbing my wrists, his eyes desperate for me to understand.

"NO, I DON'T!" 

"LISTEN TO ME!" He roars, standing up. A green light glows around him. 


I reluctantly nod, knowing what would happen if I didn't.

"Acalia isn't my biological daughter." He explains in a more controlled voice. His eyes are stormy, filled with emotion- sadness, regret, guilt, anger. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Evangeline, Acalia's mother, was... mistreated by her husband." He starts, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 

"She was pregnant with Acalia at the time. I was on a quest at the village she lived in. I heard... terrible things, screams-" He chokes on his words, the emotion pouring out of them.

"That coward- that bastard ran away after I came to aid Evangeline. I helped her deliver the baby. She... passed during childbirth."

"I-I couldn't save her, the scars..." Dad's face is wet with tears. 

"The child, she reminded me too much of her." He slipped his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out a photo. 

I'm guessing the photograph was of Acalia's mother Evangeline. They look exactly the same. The same hair, same eyes, same smile. Even the sadness that lingers in Acalia's eyes are there in Evangeline's. 

I wipe a tear from underneath my eye. 

"What did you do to Acalia then? Did you just leave her?" I ask, my voice scratchy. 

Dragons and Ice (gray Fullbuster Fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon