Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: This chapter is very long. 

Gray's P.O.V.

"Seriously Gray?" Acalia asks, her voice laced with sheer annoyance. 

She speed-walked to the other side of the pool, hoping nobody would hear us. She put a bit of distance between the team and us... and that prick too. 

"What?" I ask nonchalantly. I try to act as if nothing happened, not wanting to get her angry. Nobody has actually seen Acalia fight full out and I don't want to be the first person to see. 

"Don't give me that shit Gray." She snaps, stepping closer.

"Are you joking? What the hell did I do to upset your fucked up boyfriend-"

"Excuse me?! Is that what your upset about?" Acalia screeched. 

I widened my eyes. I thought I made it quiet clear. 

"I'm sorry if you didn't get my obvious message-" I started but she stepped in again. 

"One. He isn't my boyfriend, nor has he ever been. Two. Don't talk shit, not one word, about him or his magic." 

I stand there dumbstruck. They aren't together? 

"So was that just all unnecessary flirting just to piss me off?" I ask, crossing my arms over my bare chest. 

She groans in annoyance, tapping her foot on the ground. 

"Gray... Lucy has told me you were dumb... But I never expected this..." She whispered, but I could still hear every single word.

I raise my eyebrows, signalling her to continue. 

I'm dumb? Okay. I didn't know that friends flirted with each other and talked about sleeping together. 

"Foxx helped me when I... when I was alone. He taught me some of my magic and he was my first... friend." She whispered. Her eyes are glossy and she bits her lip in between sentences.


I totally fucked up didn't I.

"Acalia... I'm... I didn't know." I stammer, feeling like a complete idiot. I curse myself for being such an asshole. I actually can't believe myself. I'm such a jealous little shit. 

She looks up with a small smile on her face. But I know it's fake. 

"It's fine... It's the past." 

I can't look her in the eyes. The warm glow is gone, replaced with a dull forest green. 

"And, if you do think that ring magic is weak, I dare you to challenge him. He's one of the Ten Wizard Saints." She says smugly when she sees my mouth drop. 

Ten Wizard Saints? 

Old geezer is tenth on that list... Which means he'd be stronger than Master. 

"I surrender." I say, putting my hands over my head. 

She laughs in her sweet airy voice. The twinkle in her eyes return and they light up her face. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stare, but I don't take my eyes off from her. She catches me staring at her and smiles, her emerald eyes reflecting the waves of the pool. 

"Come on Ice boy." She smiles, taking my hand into hers. 

I gasp at the sudden contact. Her hands are warm and soft. They are as smooth as the rocks crashed into by the ocean waves. 


Acalia's P.O.V.

I hear laughter as Gray and I walk closer to the rest of the team. 

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