Chapter 5

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Back to present day

The Green Eyed Ranger gets the Fairy Tail emblem stamped to her right hip.

She walks out of the masters office discreetly, not making a sound.

As she turns the corner out of the hallway, she runs into a inky black haired, black eyed man.

His white shirt is unbuttoned, revealing his muscular torso and a navy Fairy Tail symbol on his right side. A necklace lies on his chest, a sword with a blue gem in the middle.

His cold, jet black eyes hardening on the hooded figure before him. The dark orbs search for the hooded figures eyes in front of him, but a shadow covers her green eye.

The ranger tries to push past the man but gets held back, his cold fingers gripping on her taut muscles.

"Who are you?" He says in a low voice, flickering his eyes all over her hooded body looking for the guilds emblem.

The ranger raises her head slightly showing her blood red full lips and defined cheekbones.

His gaze hardens and stares at her.

"Speak intruder, or get out of this guild." He spits.

Suddenly, a voice is heard in the back of the rangers mind. A sweet high pitched voice, slightly scratchy. She sees a face match the voice. A boy's face, small and a bit of chubbiness in his cheeks. The same inky black hair and the black eyes stare at her like the face in her head.

She stiffens, remembering what had happened that day.

Attackers. Dark Guild. Damaged Eye. Artificial Eye.

The rangers head glances up and the young man can now see the face of the figure in front of him.

A small gasp leaves his mouth and his gaze softens when he sees her right eye. The eye he had created for her.

"It's you." he says quietly, looking into both artificial and natural sea green eyes. 

He stares into them, lost within the ocean like orbs.

All of a sudden, the cloaked ranger embraces the man in a tight hug.

"Thank you. For everything." She says into his shirt.

He quickly nods, pulling way from the hug. Not from discomfort, but from not knowing how to react to a girl who had saved his life.

Gray's P.O.V

She slowly lifts the hood off her head.

I stand there fixed on her beauty. Her dark burgundy curls cascading down farther down her shoulders. Her sea green eyes twinkling in the dark corridor. The left side of her face is scarred. A long slash runs down the side of her eye. The artificial eye that he had created for her shines in the dark.

She wears a navy green quarter button down, black tight pants held with a wide leather belt, a gold buckle on the side.

"What is your name?" she asks quietly, like the day when we first met.

"Gray Fullbuster." I say quietly regarding the beauty on her face.

"Acalia Lyall." she says again in a quiet but smooth tone, her voice flowing like a river.

I nod, shaking her small but strong hand in a powerful hand shake.

"Let me show you around, you can meet my friends." I try suggesting. I could introduce her to Natsu, Lucy, Wendy and Erza. Erza would probably like her, I think to myself. A quiet strong type. Perfect for Erza.

She nods and follows me out of the dark corridor into the bright, lively dinning hall of Fairy Tail. She tries putting her hood up, but I stop her.

"Don't conceal your identity here, you'll get strange looks." I advise her and she nods again, but this time, a slight smile plays on her lips.

I walk down the side of the room, Acalia behind me, not wanting to attract to much unwanted attention.

We get to the table near the bar where my group sits.

"Gray! Where were you! I had to deal with this dipshit for the longest time!" Lucy says in a whiny voice. I can feel Acalia tense up behind me.

I smile at Lucy's usual complain.

"Guys, this is a friend I wanted to introduce you to, shes a new member of the guild." I say loudly over the yelling and shouting of Natsu and Lucy.

When I step back to show them Acalia, her hood is on her head again, covering most of her hair, except for the curly side bangs that shape her face.

Acalia nods as the four group members regard her.

She stares at each one of them in the eyes and I can see Lucy and Wendy look away in discomfort and a slight bit of fear.

She stars at Natsu the longest before her left eye blinks and her right eye changes color into a darker sea green.

Erza stares at the scar along her eye and a look of sadness appear in hers. She has had the same experience, losing her eye and being replaced with an artificial one.

"Sit down." I say softly to Acalia sightly pushing her into the bench.

She slides down the bench, a guarded expression on her face.

"Need anything to drink?" I ask her kindly, wanting to make a good first, no, second impression.

She shakes her head and mutters thank you before turning to the group sat on the other side of the table.

"So... Who are you?" Natsu starts off a bit rudely.

I kick him under the table and glare at him. He shrugs his shoulder and gives me the finger.

"I thought you would know who I am, Natsu Dragneel." Acalia says, her eyebrows raised slightly.

Natsu stares at her for a good ten seconds before looking down at her chest, judging her size, then up to her face again.

He leans forward on the table, trying to get a better view of her.

I wanted to yell "back off you perverted
bitch!" but, I bit my tongue and quietly sat there.

"Nah... Don't got a clue who you are." Natsu finally says, leading back on the chair.

She smiles, showing her sharp, white canines.

"I'm one of you."

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