Chapter 13

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Makarov's P.O.V.

I sigh, sitting in my office. 

She's beat Natsu... The strongest dragon slayer here. 

Yet, even when she duels or fights, she doesn't use magic. She doesn't need magic to win. How does she do it? She beat Natsu in ten seconds flat, maybe less. 

I'm thrown out of my thoughts when the door is slammed open.

"Yes, yes, yes. Come in. Open any time you brats want to barge in." I mumble.

In the doorway stands Erza, her eyes widened and a shocked looks on her face.  

"What is it! What's wrong?" I ask, knowing it's trouble.

Natsu or Gray probably blew up another building and I have to sign a ton of apology letters and finance paper and blah blah blah....

"Master! It's Laxus!" Erza says. 

My head spins when Laxus's name is mentioned. What the hell did he do this time? 
Start another battle on him wanting to be the master?

I hate my job. 

I hurriedly run out of my office and into the main hall. 

Fairy Tail wizards are all gathered up at the main entrance, blocking the doors. 

I sigh and walk over. 

"It's the master!" I hear someone say- probably Jet. 

The mages step to the side, letting me walk down to see the commotion. 

As I walk closer to the open area where everyone was standing, I see a tuff of blond hair peeking out of the crowd. 


I gasp.

In the middle of the open area is Laxus on the ground, slightly unconscious. His eyes dart in the opposite direction when he sees me coming. I follow his gaze. It's set upon Acalia. 

"Explain this matter." I say lazily. Too much of this has been happening. Come on brats! Get along!

"Laxus attacked her. She struck after he made the first move." I look to Acalia to hear Gray talking. 

"So why is Laxus on the ground?" I ask, daring to believe that Acalia could have done what I think she did. 

"Well... She kinda beat him, you know? Knocking him down with a few punches." Gray says nonchalantly, sticking his hands into his pockets, glancing at both Laxus and Acalia. But even in Gray's eyes were a look of shock and surprise.

She beat Laxus. She beat Natsu. 

I don't see any sign of physical damage on him, nor do I feel any damage inside of him. 

Didn't use magic again huh?  

"Laxus, get up. Acalia in my office." I finally say, regarding both of them and walking back into the guild. 


Third Person P.O.V

"I can't believe she beat Laxus..."

"Two dragon slayer beat in one day..."

"This newbie is strong..."

Murmurs are heard in the hall of Fairy Tail the same evening.

Team Natsu sit in the wooden table near the bar. 

"Natsu, are you still upset?" Lucy jokingly asks Natsu, who's chin is rested on the table. 

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