Chapter 21

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Acalia's P.O.V.

My wrist are marked red from Cana's grip, dragging me down the long aisle of the train, passing from one car to another.

I see familiar faces as we walk father down the train. Fairy Tail mages sit in their compartments with their friends and sometimes with other mages from different guilds.

Cana halts at the very back of the train, pulling the handle on the compartment door. The wooden glass door sides open and she nudges me inside.

On the left seat sits Gildarts Clive and on the right, Bacchus Groh, Cana's boyfriend...?

"Hey doll. You brought silent one with you again." Bacchus says, acknowledging my presence.

Gildarts turns around.

"Hey sweetie. Hello Evangeline." He says patting the seat beside him for his daughter to sit. I, on the other hand, am no left to sit beside the other alcoholic. I reluctantly sit down, expecting Bacchus to reek of alcohol. But instead, the warm scent of ripe grapes breathes into my nose. 

"You like Fairy Tail so far?" Cana asks filling the silent void with something to speak of.

I nod. 

A cold shiver runs down my back, an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gildarts staring intensely at me. I glance around the room, trying to rid the creepiness radiating off the stare he was giving. 

Hold your ground, my little dragon.

A watery voice fills my head, sparking a memory. 

I stare into his big green orbs, lined with a pattern of blue scales circling around his eyes. I narrow my eyes, not backing down. He steps closer towards me, holding his stare but I don't move.

"Well done." He says, a smile growing on his face showing all his sharp teeth. 

The memory disappears, the familiar comforting voice drifting away, deeper into my mind.

I turn to Gildarts, looking him right in the eye. His eyes widen and he looks away with a look of discomfort in his eyes. A smirk grows on my lips. Thanks papa.

A visible awkwardness fills the room. Gildarts looks dazed as normal but, his eyes flicker from each person, one by one. Cana fidgets the strap of her bag, glancing up at Bacchus, who tosses his gourd from one hand to another. 

Cana's P.O.V

Acalia stands up, cutting the tension in the room, all heads snapping up to look at her. 

Her slim fingers slide open the door and she slightly bows her head, stepping out of the compartment. 

"Dad..." I start facing my father. 

He looks anywhere but my face, avoiding eye contact. He glances out the window and I catch a reflection of a saddened look in his eyes. His black eyes stare longingly into the mountains, breathing a sigh.

"Dude, why do you keep calling the quiet chick Evangeline? Like, I even know her name." Bacchus jeers taking a swing of his gourd. 

Dad glares at Bacchus before looking out the window again. 

"Yeah, Dad... Her name isn't even close to Evangeline. It's Acalia." I add on, crossing my arms.

I hear him sigh again. 

"Can we talk about this later kids?" 

I never seen my dad looks so... Sad. Uncomfortable. The only time I've ever seen my father cry was when I told my dad he was my father. 

"I don't get why you can't tell us." I say, my voice laced with sheer annoyance. 

I'm your fucking daughter for christ sake. 

"Fine. Bacchus get out." He sighs, his eye tightly closed. 

"I knew you didn't like me." Bacchus mutters, standing up and walking out the compartment, the door slamming slightly on the way out. 

I turn to my father, eyebrows raised.

"If this is something to do with my relationship with Bacchus-" 

"No, no no. It's more important." He shakes his head, locks of autumn colored leaves falling on the side of his face. 


A moment of silence continues. I wait for my father, eager for what the hell he wants to say. His cloudy eyes stare into nothingness, his fingers tapping on his knee to an uneven pattern. 


His eyes clear and his snaps in my direction. 

"Aren't you going to tell me?" 

"Well... It's one of those long tales, you know, the ones that start off with back when I was younger..." He trails off, his fingers intertwined in a strange way.

"I don't care. Tell me. It's something about Acalia." I say rolling my eyes to his awkwardness. 

His face reddens to the sound of Acalia's name. 


"Honey, it's not-"

"Who's this Evangeline, Dad?" I ask, knowing I hit a sensitive spot. 

I can hear his breathing skip a breath, his eyes widened. His intertwined fingers are slack in on his lap. 

"Evangeline has nothing to do with this matter-" He starts quickly.

"It has absolutley everything to do with this! Every time you see Acalia, you ask if her name is Evangeline!" I say raising my voice. "I'm sick of this sneaking around. Just tell me the truth."

"FINE!" Dad yells, standing up, his fists clenched. 

"Acalia is my daughter." 

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