Chapter 17

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Acalia's P.O.V

I wake up to a the sound of thunder. Unzipping my sleeping bag, I sit up looking out the high arched windows.

A flash of lightning strikes the earth, booming thunder echoing behind.

I feel calm, peaceful. The a shower of rain falls from the dark grey clouds, hitting the glass windows in a pattern, almost as if it were speaking it's own language. The stormy wind blows the droplets in every direction, falling off the slanted roof onto the puddled ground.


A natural source of water. Astarot called them tears of angels. Not tears of sadness, he would say tears to nourish the earth beneath them. He would teach me how to control it, to change it and to stop it. 

The rain stops.

The grey clouds that hang low in the sky slowly clear, showing a sky of brilliant blue. The flashing of lightning is gone and the rain drops faded into a musical chime. The golden sun peaks through the hazy clouds, casting a misty fog through the meadow. Clouds drift like airy anvils underneath the gleaming disc of the sun.

Rays of sunlight shine through the glass, casting small rainbows in the crisp air around us. It beams in my eyes, the brightness blinding me. 

I stand up, stretching, my eyes blinking adjusting to the bright sun shining down on my face.

I quickly change and tie my maroon hair, revealing three small piercings on each of my small pointed ears. I had brought some new clothes with the money I had earned with my job. I put on a dark green shoulder cut turtleneck under a black navy vest. I slip into a pair of black  jeans, fastening my dagger pouch on the hoops.

I had been wearing my old clothes for quiet a long time. I had my cloak since Astarot disappeared, explaining the many rips and tears in them. 

My new clothes feel weird. I'm not use to them after I've been wearing almost the same thing for fourteen long years. 

I hear snores from Gray. His arm is over his eyes, shielding them from the bright sun. His sleeping bag is tangled around his long legs, unzipped and open. Apparently he had taken his shirt off while he was sleeping, exposing his muscular chest. I blush, realizing I had been staring. 

You can't blame me. He's pretty hot.

Maybe I should make some breakfast for him, for the dinner he made for me last evening.

Except the fact I can't cook. 


Whatever. It's the thought that counts right? I hum as I walk down to the kitchen, passing the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I walked past. 

Hold on.

I rush back to the bathroom, staring at the mirror. My reflection.

I look so... different. I've been used to seeing myself in reflections of rivers and ponds, any water source I could find around me. I've never really paid attention to my appearance. It always seemed so... Irrelevant. My hair is longer, more maroon colored. In the murky reflections in the dirty ponds, I had always thought my hair would be more of a brown-red. Of course I could see my hair as it is, but I had always thought of it as an auburn.

My face. That's another story.

My face is heart shaped, my nose pointy and slightly upturned and my eyes... My heart stopped.

My right eye is blue. 

When Gray made my eye with his ice molding magic, it was clear and glassy. After, when I put some of my water dragon slayer magic, I though I had turned it the same shade of green as my other eye. But apparently not. The long scar that runs vertically across my eye, stands out too much. I subconsciously raise my hand and cover my eye. 

This is why I never pay attention to my appearance. There's too much to judge. Maybe it would have been better if both my eyes were blind. I look back to my right eye.

I shouldn't be covering  my scars or my prominent features. They are what make me different. My scars represent what I've been through. It's my history with my first true friend. Gray.

I look away from the mirror. 

I have more important matters to worry about in life than my appearance.  


Gray's P.O.V.

The smell of eggs and bacon fill my nose.

I blink, the sunlight blinding my eyes. Turning to the left, my eyes land on a empty sleeping bag. Acalia?

I get up, stretching the sleep out of my body. Walking into the kitchen, I see Acalia with a spatula in her hand and a focused expression fixed in her eyes. She stares at the crispy bacon, one by one. She then grabs the hot pan by the handle, tossing up the bacon on it. 

Don't. You. Dare. Fucking. Spill.

The crispy bacon is airborne for no more that a second before they all land perfectly back onto the burning frying pan.

Damn. She's got skills.

"I thought you said you couldn't cook?" I say, reaching her waist from behind her and tickling her.

She shrieks, dropping the spatula into the frying pan and clutching her waist. She glares at me before reaching for the spatula again and continues cooking.

Acalia looks different today. She got some new clothes and now looks like a normal guild member, not like a wild ranger. Her hair is up in a high pony tail, revealing her small elf like ears. Three piercings are on each of them, giving her a don'tfuckingmesswithme look.

She's pretty hot.

"I looked through some of your cookbooks I found in your bookshelf." She says, her back still turned towards me.  

"Cool. So when can I eat?" I ask impatiently, a low rumble coming from my stomach.

"Don't rush me." She snaps, placing three strips of bacon onto each plate. There is a serving of scrambled eggs and a small fruit salad on the side. 

"Look's pretty good." I say, trying to speed her up. 

She looks to my face, and sees the desperation of food in my eyes. With this, she goes extra slowly, placing the bacon, then taking it off the plate.

"You look pretty hungry Gray. Just wait another hour sweetie." She says in a sickly sweet voice, placing her hand on my shoulder, slowing down the process even more.

Bitch. I want my food.

I glare at her and reach for the frying pan myself. 

"Ah, no Gray honey. It's too hot for you! You need me to do it for you, okay?" She teases, holding it far from my reach.

"Acalia! Please! I'm starving I'm gonna die!" I whine, trying to reach for my holy grail.

"Tsk, tsk. You would have already been dead if it weren't for me." 

And that's how my morning started with Acalia Lyall.

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