Chapter 20

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Gray's P.O.V

"W-when are we g-going to get th-there?" Natsu groans, this head green from motion sickness. 

Wendy casts another Toria on him.

"W-Wendy... I-I don't think it w-works-" Natsu hurls his pink hair head out the train compartment window, throwing up.

"Natsu, the train hasn't even moved yet." Lucy says, a disgusted look on her face.

I feel a tight squeeze on my left hand as the train departs Onibus Station. Acalia sits beside me, a sick look on her face. 

Shit. Acalia being a dragon slayer must mean she has motion sickness too.

Her chest rises and falls rapidly, her breathing ragged. My right hand reaches to her chin, facing her towards me. I demonstrate deep, steady breathing, leading her. Her breathing becomes more even, a gentle snuffing of air through her nose, her chest falling and rising in a rhythmic pattern.

"T-Thanks." She stutters her voice trembling.

I stare at her beautiful sea green eyes, as the dart all around the small train compartment. Her left hand is held tightly around mine and her right hand grasping the arm rest. Her eyes are shut, her eyebrows knitting together. The steady breathing turns back into a heavy panting, her chest heaving rapidly as the train picks up more speed. 


She looks over at Acalia, panic growing in her eyes. She casts Troia, a blue glow emitting in Acalia's chest. 

Her eyes flutter open, revealing her beautiful orbs of the sea. 

"Woah." She mumbles, looking around her. 

Her eyes veer over to the window, a moving picture outside of the thin glass border. The landscape of the mountains pass as the train moves, the rhythm of metal work beneath us. 

 "This is my first time on a... Train." She says, longingly staring out the window, her eyes transfixed on the scenery outside.

I smile at her reaction of riding a train for the first time. I can see her reflection mirrored in the clear glass, her long eyelashes sweeping over her doe like eyes.

She's beautiful in her own way. I laid awake one night, listening to her soft snores. But in her deep sleep, her breathing turned into whimpers and quiet cries. On her face was pain, her hand over her stomach. From the collar of her shirt I could see a scar, running up her collar bone, ending around her neck. I knew she had more scars, pained nightmares of her past. Everyone has them. They may not be physical, but emotional. Acalia sports both.

A pounding on the door snaps me back to reality.  

In the glass door frame stands Cana. Lucy pulls the lock, sliding open the compartment door. 

"Hey guys, mind if I borrow Acalia for a moment?" She ask, sticking her head into the small room. 

"Go ahead." I say, earning a glare from Acalia before shes grabbed by the arm and dragged out of the compartment. 

Her hand leaves mine, leaving me feeling a warm glow had died. I didn't even notice she was holding my hand this whole time. My hand turns into it's normal cold, but I miss the warmth of Acalia's hand already.

The sliding glass door shut and Lucy locks the door again. 

Erza and Lucy sit with their arms crossed over their chests, leaned back in the seats. They stare at me, as if waiting for me to say something.

"What?" I ask annoyed after a few minutes of unnecessary staring.

"You tell us." Lucy says, kicking her leg out and crossing it over the other. 

"Tell you what exactly?" I sigh in exasperation.

Both Lucy and Erza, even little Wendy raises their eyebrows at me, Natsu knocked out dead and being used as a foot rest.

Crazy women. 

"What the fuck do you guys wanna know?" I ask, my irritation and annoyance level off the charts.

"Acalia?!?" They all say in unison.

Fuck this shit.

"Whatta 'bout her?" I ask in my usual cocky voice, a voice I hadn't been using much since Acalia came back into my life.

"A-Are we there y-yet." a weak voice is hear underneath all the feet.

"Shut the fuck up Natsu, we're in the middle of something important here." Lucy says, digging her heel into his back.


Especially with those heel boot things.

"So....?" Lucy drags, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"Gray just tell us." Erza say, her voice laced with order.

"I've got nothing to tell you!" I yell, throwing my arms up in exasperation.

"B-Bro... You l-like Acalia." Natsu wheezes, from the weight.

I widen my eyes. 

"I don't-She's my friend!" I argue. 

"Do friends stay at each others house everyday and stare at each other every waking moment?" Erza reminded, her eyebrows raised. 

"H-How did you kn- No. What?" I stutter, looking at the two psychos in front of me.

"I flew around your house and I saw you hugging Acalia in the living room." Happy says in a sing-song voice, a fish in his small blue paw.

I stare at all of them, all these traitors. I don't like her. Yeah she's cute-

"You just said she's cute!" Lucy exclaims, making an annoying as fuck squealing sound.

"I did not!" I retort.

Yeah, I said it in my head- Oh shit. 

Lucy sits with a smug expression on her face, Erza silently laughing and Wendy looking between us with a flustered look on her face.

"You like herrrr!" Happy says rolling his tongue excessively on the 'r'. 

I glare at him, shutting him up. 

Do I like her? I always liked her in a sibling way... But do siblings think the other is 'cute'? She's not like Wendy's age, so... Yeah. 

"Aw... Gray, you're blushing!" Lucy giggles. 

I glare at her again, clenching my fists. She stares, wide eyed and shuts up. 

"S-She's your g-girlfriend." Natsu laughs, a bleaching sound following after. 

I sigh angrily. 

"What about you and Lucy?" I hint earning a smile from Erza. 

Lucy turns bright red and Natsu is still under our feet. I sniggered at their embarrassment.

"Erza and Jellal though..." Natsu says beneath us after a long moment of (awkward for Lucy and Natsu) silence. Wendy giggles into her sleeve, a small smile on her lips.

Erza's face is the same shade as her hair, a murderous glare on her face. Her hand is on her sword hilt, ready to kill Natsu. 

"What about Wendy and little Romeo!" Lucy smirked, looking at Wendy. 

At least they forgot about me.

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