Chapter 7

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Gray's P.O.V

I ran out the guild doors looking for Acalia. 

I saw her on the bridge over the river, controlling the water with two fingers. 

She froze the water then unfroze it, repeating this many times. 

"Hey." I said, walking up to her. 

She nodded, acknowledging my existence then continued freezing and unfreezing the water. 

"So, how are you liking Fairy Tail." I ask, wanting to start a conversation. 

She tilts her head, her doe shaped eyes looking at me. 

"It's fine." She said. 

"Though, to be completely honest,  your group of friends talk in really loud voices." she said, bring her hand to her delicate ears. 

As a dragon slayer, they had sensitive ears that could hear things from a mile away. 


She probably heard our conversation after she left. 

"Do you know any places where I can stay?" she asks looking around the town. 

"Well, there's Fairy Hills, it's a girls dormitory." I say pointing into the direction of the dorms.

She shakes her head. 

"I like to be alone." she says, covering her face with her hood. 

She stands up, walking away, our short conversation now finished.  

"I'll camp out tonight." 

"Wait!" I shout before Acalia. 

I rush over to her. 

"You can stay at my place tonight. I owe you one." I say in shortened breaths.

Shoot. NO. What if she thinks I'm some sort of perverted weirdo who lets girls say at my place, or if she thinks I'm hitting on her? "You can stay at my place" definitely wasn't a great way to invite someone over.  

She stares at me, her sea green orbs into mine. I gulp. 

Then, she nods. 

"Thank you." she says before walking into the forest.


I walk back to the guild and through the front doors after my successful conversation with Acalia. 

She's now staying at my place tonight XD.

"Gray!" Hearing my name snaps me out of my daydreams, and I look towards the speaker.  

It's Cana Alberona, holding a bottle of wine in her hand. 

"What?" I ask, walking over to her. She reeks of alcohol, and at her feet lay a few bottles of beer, two bottles of wine and a bottle of whisky. 

"Who's that chick you were with?" she asks, her words barely slurring even though she had more than enough alcohol. 

"Why do you ask?" I snap back a bit rudely, feeling a wave of over protectiveness. 

"Calm down, ice boy. I was only asking a question. I feel like I've see her before." she says, giving me the eyebrow raise, taking a sing of wine, straight from the bottle.

"A newcomer, just showing her 'round, ya know? Names Acalia Lyall." I say casually, sticking my cold hands into my pockets. 

Cana drops her wine bottle, sharp shards of broken glass flying everywhere. The red liquid spilling on my shoes. 

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